Chapter 4

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My mate laid in my arms asleep. She cried until there weren't any more tears. I sat there rocking her back and forth. Greyson came and checked on me. He thought that we had made up and were together. How wrong he was.

Dad called me through the mind like telling us that we need to talk about a serious situation. Greyson and Luke, my third in command, came to get Laney and take her back to class.

"Hey buddy. We have a little problem." Greyson was cautious with his words. I gave him a questioning look and he nodded behind him. A guy around our age. "This is Hunter. Laney's boyfriend."

His eyes got wide and his mouth hung open. "Sam? Is that really you?"

"Hunter. You are my mate's boyfriend? I can't believe you! You were supposed to be my best friend!" I yelled.

"Guys quit. You are going to wake up Laney. If you do that, you will have one angry upset Laney to deal with." Greyson talked us through it all. Hunter grabbed her keys and we got in the car. He offered to take care of my mate, but I refused, irritating him and his wolf. I get the he is her boyfriend, but I'm her mate. The one she is meant for.

When we reached the pack house, Greyson can to my door. His eyebrows raised and arms out. "Give her here." I was about to protest against him, but he cut in. "I'm not messing around Sam. Give her to me. You and Hunter have things that need to be sorted out and a meeting to attend."

I gave him my mate and stomped into the house with Hunter behind me. "I can't believe you didn't tell me! She is my girlfriend. You kept that from me."

"Well I thought she told you. I'm sorry that she can't figure out what she wants." I snapped back.

We walked to my dad's office and slammed open the door. He looked up from his papers, not flinching. He nodded at the chairs in front of him. I stomped to the chair and stood behind it while Hunter sat down. "Sit. We have a lot of things that need to be discussed. Son, I know that you found your mate and all, but Hunter currently has claim on her."

"No! She is my mate! He has one, but is taking mine!" I yelled and pounded my fists on the back of the chair. "Why can't he realize that! His mate might be following him and he is making out with my mate."

Hunter whipped his head toward me. He smirked at me and the anger in me boiled even hotter. "At least I don't leave her for some other place without telling her it's over. Or having.. What did you call it? Oh yeah, pleasure nights with the one person that she hates."

I didn't have a snappy comeback so I kept my mouth shut. "Boys please. We are here to talk about Laney. Not the past, but the future."

"How am I supposed to run a pack without a Luna?" He rolled his eyes at me and continued his speech. I paced the room. Hunter was laid across both chairs getting comfortable. He was my best friend when we were little. I always liked hanging out with him and Laney. My favorite memory was when me and Hunter were eight and Laney was seven.


"Lane come here!" Eight year old Sam yelled at seven year old Laney.

"You will have to catch me first big boy!" Laney taunted. She took off running as I was admiring her. I had always had a crush on her. She was strong and intelligent. I wanted to kiss her.

I took off running after her. I knew how to get it from her.

I fell to the ground and faked a pained cry. "Ow! Laney help me! I fell!"

I laid on the ground holding my leg when she tackled me. She stared at me. When we looked down and she was sitting on me. She blushed and laid down on my chest. It felt so right.

"I love you Sam." She whispered. I hugged her to me and she looked up. I took that as my opportunity. I grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. I giggled and pulled back.

"I love you Laney."

Hunter ran over to us and tackled is both. We all laid on the ground laughing until we cried.

。。。。flashback over 。。。。

I smiled at that memory. She was the perfect girl. When she kissed me in the eighth grade, I knew she liked me more than a friend.

That's when I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes. We dated up until sophomore year. That was the year that dad made us move. Laney was mad when I moved. I didn't tell her goodbye because I couldn't. How do you tell your girlfriend, the one you love, that you are moving across the country?

To make it worse we were on the phone and Eryn walked in making sexual comments to me. I told her I was on the phone with Laney, but that made Laney think that we did it all the time and Eryn make the comments more sexual.

I felt like a total douche for what I had done. So when we moved back, I thought it was my chance to get her back. When she said I was her mate, I knew I would win her back. But Lane is stubborn and won't trust me. I want her to. I mean we made out in the hallway. I still haven't told Hunter about that.

I finally sat down and we made some plans for the next couple of weeks. Laney would get to date Hunter until he found his mate. Then she was all mine. But tonight I get to sleep in her room with her.


I felt something shifting beside me so I cracked my eyes open to see Laney wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my neck. I chuckled and she shot to the other side if the bed. I grabbed her body before she could fall.

"I-I Im sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. It didn't mean to do that. It just kinda happened." Laney blushed a deep red.

I just stared at her beautiful face. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled her to me and grabbed her face. "What are you do..." She trailed off as I kissed her hard. She moaned and kissed me back. The passion in the kiss was present and she climbed on top of me. She straddled me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

A knock on the door startled her and caused her to cling to me. The door opened and Victoria stepped in. "Hey bubby. Momma wanted to talk to you. She said it was important. So hurry up."

She slammed the door. My mom only talked to me about important stuff when it was an emergency. I climbed out from under lane, causing her to whimper. I got dressed and went back to the bed. Laney was still pouting. I pulled her in for a kiss. It was hot and sexy, but sweety at the same time.

"Baby I will be back. I promise." I told her as I hugged her.

"I don't want you to go though!" She whined hugging me tighter. Her grip got looser as she fell back on the bed. Her eyes glossy and face red. Anger and confusion marked up her face.

"Lane, I love you." I kissed her and walked out of the door to my mom.

"Why? Why Sam! Stay out of my room!" She yelled as loud as she could. I chuckled to myself. We were going to tell her the plan today. After things were set in stone.

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