Chapter 7

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Laney's POV

I got up from the couch. I wiped the tears away and opened the door. There stood Hunter.

Just seeing him made me mad. "What the hell do you want? I don't want to see you."

Blane walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me back so Hunter could come in.

"Hunter." Blane said with a nod. He nodded back. Not liking that Blane was touching me. He didn't even know who Blane was. Or that he was gay.

'Will you do something for me?' I asked Blane through our mind link.

'Yeah. What is it?'

'Keep me calm talking to him'

He smiled and nodded. We sat on the couch with Hunter across from us. Blane whispered in my ear something funny and I laughed. Hunter's face got red and his eyes darkened.

"Laney, I want to explain. I never meant to do that. She wants to be my mate. Said something about a spell and having to be nineteen. I feel the connection." He said.

I replied with a scowl. "Probably that "spell" that she's under."

We sat there glaring at each other. Blane's phone rang not phasing us. He answered the phone not saying names of people just the he and she.

'Sam is on his way. He said he will be here in about five.' Blane said through out mindlink.

"Fine. Be with her I don't care. Just leave me alone and out of it." I was tired of playing games of their relationship.

"Could you give me and Laney a sec alone?" He was reluctant to get up, but eventually did. Going up the stairs he yelled for Jake. Jake is his boyfriend, and we are hoping his second chance mate.

"We had something real, Hunt. Then she shows up and magically you are in love with her. Doesn't that seem weird to you?" I tried to reason with him.

He sighed and said, "A little. But I felt the fireworks that shoot up your arm and through your body making a man get-"

"Do not finish that sentence." I laughed. "I'm happy that you have a mate, just why her? Why the one person that tried to take my mate?"

My wolf kept chanting to kiss him. Why? I have no idea. My wolf and Sam's were in a fight and she wanted to prove that she could win.

Luke, Hunter's wolf, and Midnight have thing connection that made it hard to resist each other. They thought we were mates and we almost had sex once on a date. The desire in his eyes turned my wolf on making it hard to hold it back. I practically jumped on him. He was caught off guard by the actions, but his wolf pushed his way out and I was captured in his beautiful lips.

I let out a soft moan, moving my legs so I straddled him. My lips moved against his. Hunter's hand gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to him. Rocking my hips against him. His lips made a hot path from my lips to my shoulder. I gasped from the tingles and rocked a little harder against Hunter. "Baby," I moaned.

He grunted in response and laid us down on the couch. "I wish I was your mate." He whispered in my ear and attached his lips back to my neck.

At his words I gasped and pulled back. "Sam. Sam is my mate. He's gonna be here in-" I was cut off by the door being knocked on. I ran to the door and took a deep breath.

He nodded with an unreadable expression. His eyes glossed. "I better go."

"Sit down Hunter. We aren't done here," I huffed.

He still stood though. I opened the door for Sam to come in. I swallowed hard. Sam walked through the front door. He grabbed my waist and pulled back. "Hey baby." He kissed my cheek and we sat down. "Is Blane upstairs with Jake?"

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