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Sorry all of my stories seem sad now :( I apologize but it feels needed and this isn't a very happy story anyway but it gets better, after a while... a REALLY long while (btw Nathan's mum's name is Karen in this) -wordstravelfast aka Ori :P

Lizeth's POV: 

I helped him put the last of his hat collection into a box and taped it shut. His room looked huge and empty. "Here, help me take this apart." I walked over to Nathan and we began to take apart his bed. "Where are you going to sleep?" 

"Probably on the couch." I nodded and we continued to dissect the bed in silence.

"It won't be that bad you know. It'll be like if I went on vacation." 

"Just don't mention it, ok?" I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to cry. 

"Will you at least have dinner with us?" Mum would kill me, she's gone back to how she was a few years ago.


"Mum I'm home!" I heard some bumps upstairs and ran to check on her. "Mum?" I opened the door. She sat on the floor smoking something, it reeked of alchohal. "Oh, so the slut's home from school. How many boys did she fuck today?" She lauged mockingly at me. "Mum, what are you doing?"       "Smoking, what does it look like I'm doing? Want some?" She sneered at me. "Mum, are you ok?"   "I don't know, are you a slut?" She kept calling me that. Slut. I'd never had sex in my life. I didn't even think about it. "What are you talking about?"     "I don't know why don't you tell me?" I had no idea what she was talking about so I didn't answer. "Go on answer me!" She yelled at me angrily and threw a glass bottle at me. I cried out when it shattered against my leg. I felt the shards dig deep into my skin. It hurt, but it in a way distracted me. I ran out as fast as I could limping. I locked the door and ran to Nathan's house. "Nathan! Open up! Please!" I heard him running down the steps, he probably thought I was crazy. "What's going-" His eyes drifted to my leg and he immediatley called his mum. "Get her inside. Now." I'd never seen his mum be so serious. I started to limp in, when Nathan picked me up and carried me bridal style into his kitchen. "What happened to you?" Nathan looked at me worriedly. "Mum. I don't know, I got home and she was calling me things and drinking and smoking. She threw a bottle at me and it smashed." Nathan's mum looked at me worriedly. They had been best friends. "We'd better get you to the hospital."     "NO. Please, my mum'd kill me if she knew that I went there. She'd see it on the medical bill. She wouldn't be able to afford it."  Karen looked at me, obviously wanting to take me to the hospital. "Please."  Karen sighed but agreed to treat me at her house. She ran to get the bin (trash can smart ones) and a pair of tweezers. Nathan came in with a wet towel and pressed to wipe the blood away. I bit my lip as hard as possible to avoid screaming. Jess stood next to me holding my hand. She looked so pale and worried. As Karen picked out the pieces of glass with a tweezers Nathan and Jess never let go of my hands once no matter how hard I squeezed. When she was finished I felt lightheaded from the blood loss. My leg was all torn up all over. Karen wrapped it tightly and carefully around my leg, trying not to hurt me. "Now listen, you're a very strong girl, but I'm not letting you walk on this. You're also not going back to that house until we know she's finished with this ok? We'll go out and grab you some new clothes that'll fit over your bandaging ok?" I nodded and gestured to Jess. They left to go get me clothes. Every night I shared a bed with Nathan and he held me as I cried myself to sleep.

Back to story now:

"Nathan she'll kill me. She's started drinking again." 

"Exactly why you should stay here. You'll be safe here."

"But you're leaving tomorrow. Then I just have to go back to her." Nathan looked at me seriously then broke into a goofy grin. "Then I'll have to make you stay for now!" He tickled me and rolled us across the floor. "Nathan! Stop it you minger!" 

"Nathan, Lizeth, Jess! Dinner!" He helped me up and we ran downstairs. I could smell the Spaghetti from the stairs, Nathan's favorite, and mine too. "SPAG BOL!!!!!" Nathan practically fell off of his chair as he ran to sit down. We all laughed at him. "Just for you, my baby's growing up." Karen came and kissed the top of his head. "MUM!" Nathan flushed, embarassed. "Haha! Is Nathan embarassed?" I made fake exagerated kissy faces at him. We all burst into laughter. This was what a family felt like. Laughing, talking, being embarassed. But it would all be gone soon. The only topic at dinner was the band. I tried to join in as little as possible, it hurt to think about. He would leave me in less than 24 hours, and I couldn't do anything. After dinner I headed for the door.

"Where're you going?" 

"To my house." Nathan looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Nathan. It's bad enough I stayed for dinner. Shes going to kill me."

"Fine. Don't stay. I don't care."

He walked off angrily. His words had hurt. I heard Jess yelling as I walked out,

"NATHAN JAMES SYKES YOU BIG BABY! GO BACK OUT THERE RIGHT NOW YOU BLOODY LIAR!" I'd never heard Jess be so assertive. Nathan came back out, "Sorry. Please stay tonight. I don't want to loose any time with you." 

I gave my house one last look, "Fine." He gave me a huge smile and dragged me inside. He lied down on the couch leaving me no room and turned on footie match. I sat on his legs until he noticed. "Fine then." He pulled me against him so we were laying down (spooning baisically which is not dirty btw go on urban dictionary). "I love you." He kissed me lightly on the head, so I could smell his cologne. Harry came up to us and licked my face. "I love you too Harry." Nathan laughed then gave me his fake frown.

"Oh and you don't love me?"   

"Hmmm." I pretended to consider this. 

"Nope!" Nathan pouted until I gave him a kiss. "Does that make little Nathan feel better?" 

"Not as good as if I could take you with me." I ignored the last part and settled back down into his arms. He eventually fell asleep, his hands entangled in my hair. I loved him. He loved me. I was his and he was mine. And nothing could ever break that. Except for tomorrow.

Once again I am sorry. But this part was kind of sweet, right? Might update Turn It Off today, probably not, haven't written enought. 

Comment, Vote, Fan! Love you -wordstravelfast

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