I see the old days in your face

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I woke up to a wet face, I'd been crying in my sleep. My clock read 4:17, too early for school. I texted Nathan to see if he was up, 'you awake?' I waited a couple minutes hoping for a response.

'I am now' 'sorry :/ can you come over?'

'At 4:21??'

'Sorry :('

'I'll be over in a minute.'

I looked around the room for dirty clothes and made sure my room looked ok. 'Where's the emergency key?'

'I left it under the mat'

We'd had a key to each others for years. I heard the door unlock, hoping Harry wouldn't bark. Even if my mom was home, he wouldn't have noticed. I heard him creeping up the steps avoiding the squeaky spots he knew too well. "Liz?"

"It's open." He walked in without a shirt on, goosebumps on his arms.(a lot of guys sleep without shirts end of discussion) He had a handful of clothes for school tomorrow. I moved over in my bed to make room for him. "It's ok." He laid down and pulled me into his lap, his back against the headboard. "Aren't you cold?"

"Not anymore." He pulled the blankets up over our legs. I laid my head on his warm toned chest and just listened to his heartbeat as he stroked my hair. I missed times like this. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, remembering all the times we'd spent like this watching stupid cartoons together. "What's wrong?" His voice suddenly in my ear. "Nothing, just thinking." But Ge knew me too well to believe it, "About what? You can tell me." But I couldn't, I stayed quiet. "C'mon you know I won't tell anyone." I took a deep breath considering telling him, "It was about my dream last night."

"What happened? Were you scared?" I could tell he was smirking at the idea. "No, it was about the stairwell." I could feel the smirk fall off his face and his body tensing. "Sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it."

"It's ok. What happened?"

"What actually happened" I could feel him shudder and his fingers stopped moving in my hair. "Oh. Can I ask you something?" What would he have to ask me? "Anything."

"What is this?" He stared down at me

"What do you mean?"

"Our relationship." He held his breath waiting for an answer. Brother and sister? Best friends? More than friends?

" I dunno. What d'you think?" I felt him exhale, relieved I hadn't said anything bad.

"I know what I want it to be. But I don't know where I stand with you."

"What do you want it to be?"

"I want you to be with me, as my girlfriend." I felt more tears streaming down my face remembering the staircase and that time in the car. He gently wiped away my tears with his thumb. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up again."

"It's ok, because I stand in the same place. I don't want to ever loose you." I can't believe I just told him, I've been pretending I didn't since I realised I loved him in the stairwell. He bent his neck down and pressed his lips softly to mine. I couldn't help but smile, breaking the kiss. He smiled and started playing with my hair again. "So you'll be my girlfriend?"


"What about James?" I could tell he was concerned.

"We'll just have to hide it from him.

"Wanna watch some cartoons? I brought some." He pulled out a thing of Tom and Jerry discs. I grabbed my lapto, "I hoped you would ask." We watched cartoons

until I fell asleep in his arms.


*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I slammed down on my clock and blinked to clear my eyes. I felt someone next to me and remembered earlier. "Good morning beautiful." Nathan was smiling at me his hand entangled in my hair. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "LIZETH!!!!" I forgot about my mum. "I'll go hide in the bathroom." Nathan ran into the bathroom as my mum stormed in. "Why the hell aren't you dressed yet?!"

"I just got up."

"Hurry the fuck up. I have to drive your stupid dad to a meeting."

She slammed my door and Nathan came out. He wrapped me in a hug comforting me. "Here, now get dressed." He handed me an outfit, "Did you pick this?"

"Maybe." I could tell he was blushing. I couldn't help but laugh. I took the clothes and ran to change in the bathroom. I was picking up my pajamas as Nathan walked in. "Sorry." His face turned bright red. "It's ok. I'm not naked." We were both cracking up now. He was wearing a pair of jeans with a plaid tshirt. He'd chose a tank top with a plaid shirt and a pair of jean shorts for me. "Aww are we matching?"


"I love you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. "LIZETH!! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!" I frowned and broke the kiss. "Come on. Lets go eat." Nathan grabbed our backpacks and brought them downstairs. "LIZE- Oh hi Nathan. How um.. nice to see you. Lizeth, can I speak to you for a minute alone?" She didn't look happy. I followed her into her office leaving Nathan in the kitchen. "When did he get here?"

"This morning."

"Oh really how did he get in?"

"The emergency key."

"Did he sleep with you?"

"Not in that kind of way. Like a nap."

She looked infuriated. She reached out her hand and slapped me across the face. I pretended it didn't hurt. I wouldn't let her see my tears I could not be weak. "AND NOW YOU EXPECT ME TO MAKE FOOD FOR BOTH OF YOU?!?!"

"I can make it." I braced myself for the next hit.

"Get the hell out of my office."

I ran out finally letting the tears fall down my face. Nathan hugged me tightly until I stopped crying. "Can we just go to McDonalds or something?"

"Sure." We put on out backpacks and started out the door. He held out his hand and I took it. "What happened in there?"

"She slapped me."

"What?!" I didn't answer him as we walked into McDonalds. He ordered what he knew I liked for breakfast. He handed me my food and we ate in silence. "Hey Liz, James is here."

"What?? Go sit somewhere else before he tries something."

He jumped into another booth and pretended to be focused on something. "Hey Liz. Interesting seeing you here."

"What do you want James?"

"Can I walk you to school today?"

"I don't know can you?" I heard Nathan snicker in the other booth."May I walk you to school today?" He tried to sound funny but I just sat there. Nathan gave me a thumbs up from the other booth. "Sure." He reached out his hand to help me up but I rejected it. I watched Nathan get up and walk out. James walked with me to school and tried to talk to me on the way there but I wouldn't talk to him. When we got to school he opened the door for me, "We should do this again." He winked at me trying to be flirty. "Sorry I'm busy." I walked into school and didn't look back

I Found You- A TW FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now