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Hello! Sorry for the wait but it's here now! :D -Ori xx

Lizeth's POV:

I heard the match playing loudly and the boys cheering, and began carrying my boxes out the door. I sent a text to Siva, telling him I was going and why and he said if I thought it was right then no one could tellk me otherwise. I carried the boxes to my car and sat in the backseat for a while. The tears slowly came back, slipping down my cheek every now and then.

'Nathan's figured it out, he's coming down now.'

I moved into the driver's seat and drove out of viewing distance from the house.


I saw him in my rear view mirror, but he couldn't see me. 

"I'm so sorry Nath."

I waited for him to walk back into the house and pulled out of my hiding place, leaving Nathan behind and calling James

Nathan's POV 

 I went back home to Gloucester for a bit after Liz left. God Nathna you're such a prick. The last thing you did was yell at her.

"Come on Nathan what's wrong? You've been sitting here for hours."

Mum sat on the bed next to me and wrapped me into a hug.

"She's left again and all I did was yell at her."

"It wasn't your fault. The two of you've gone through a lot. I hate to tell you Nath, but I don't think you should go after her this time"


"She's been hurt so many times Nath, Can you imagine what another blow would do to her?"

"I never meant to hurt her."

"I know you didn't but things happen Nathan, things that can't be fixed."

"I'm so sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for. It's over with Nathan. Try to move on."

She kissed the top of my head before walking out and closing the door. I began to cry quietly to myself before falling into a deep sleep. Mum was right.

Lizeth's POV

I hesitantley knocked on his door and took a few steps back. He immediatley opened the door smirking at me, 

"I told you you'd come back to me. Your little boyfriend isn't here now is he?"

"He's not my boyfriend anymore."

"You know I kind of guessed that. Maybe we could-"

"This isn't about that. Please, I just need this as a favor."

"Fine. You might see this as a favor now, but it'll be more than a favor, believe me."

"Could you lay off for a bit? I've been through a lot and that's not what I need right now."


He let me into the house before pointing towards a room. 

"You can stay there. Which, may I point out, is by my room."

"Thanks for letting me stay here."

I walked towards the room with my stuff before I was stopped.

"Don't I get something more?"

"Erm... Thanks again?"

His eyes flashed with anger for a moment, before he turned his attention back to me.

"If you're going to stay here then you have to be on time. Breakfast is at 9, lunch is at 1 and dinner is always at 6. Be on time."

"What about working?"

"That's different. But you have to tell me."

"Alright, well I'm gonna unpack now."

I quickly walked into the room and closed the door before setting my stuff down. There were fresh floral sheets and blank photo frames. There was a little lamp with a desk and a chair, and a bay window. I began to look for jobs online and applyed for a job at a LUSH nearby. 

"Lizeth! Dinner, now!"

I covered myself in a warm sweater before walking out of my new room. I found James in the kitchen, a package of sushi in his hands. 

"I knew sushi was one of your favorites so I thought maybe you'd like some."

"Oh, thanks."

I took the sushi before following him into a dining room type area. 

"Did you like the room?"

"Yeah, it was nice."

"Did you like the frames?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Did you put anything in them yet?"


"Well, you know I have a camera and-"

"Hey James, can we maybe not do this now?"

"Whatever makes my lady happy."

"I am not your lady. I don't belong to anybody."

"You don't have to fight me. If it made you more comfortable, you could even call me Jay."

No. Nothing happened.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do actually."

"I was never with him, he was just a friend."

"I know you were with him."

"I wasn't."

"Stop lying I know you were."

"I will never call you Jay."

"Fine, then stick with James."

"I will."

I got up to throw away the sushi container, crumpling it in my fist on the way there. I started to walk back to my room when James pushed me into a wall. 

"Stop pretending you don't want me even the tiniest bit."

"Believe me, I don't. Get off of me."

"You're living in my house, I can do what I want."

"Don't turn this into school again."

"It won't be, because this time it's a bit different. Your little boyfriend isn't here to protect you."

"Don't do this."

"Do what?"

"Don't you dare rape me."

"Rape? I was never going to rape you! You know why?"


"Because you're going to enjoy it."

"I would never and will never be with you."

"Have it your way then."

He roughly shoved me into the hallway and I ran to my room, before laying down and sobbing myself to sleep. 

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