Chapter 20

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I was making chocolate chip pancakes, Jason's favorite, hoping that would score me some brownie points with him. Last night, I decided to keep unpacking and let Jason cool off before I tried to talk to him. During breakfast, it was silent. The boys knew I hadn't talked to him yet so after we were done eating, they took Kenna upstairs. Jason put his plate in the sink and was about to leave.

"Hey," I said and he stopped. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" He turned around and waited for me to continue. "Look, I'm sorry for last night, I have been emotional and my mood swings are out of control. I don't know what came over me and I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I was just trying to help you." He replied.

"I know and I'm sorry." I said. "Do you think you can forgive me?"

He took a deep breath and said, "Of course I can." He walked over and hugged me. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "As much as you try to hide it, I know that you're not sleeping and I was just trying to help you so that you could at least rest."

"I know and I'm so sorry for snapping at you like that." I said. "I should know by now that you can read me like an open book no matter how hard I try to cover it up."

"Why do you try to cover it up though?" He asked.

"I don't know I guess I don't want you to worry about me." I replied.

"I like worrying about you and I like it when you're honest with me." He gave me a look like a parent disciplining their child.

"I know, I'll try harder. I promise." I said truthfully.

Over the last couple of days, I have been honest with Jason about everything. I've been honest with the other boys too. I feel a lot better being able to tell them everything. We were in the new safe house and we were all in the living room. Theo was going through the closet.

"Aw cool! There's an Xbox in here!" He yelled. I laughed because he looks like a kid in a candy store.

"No way!" Carter said as the boys went over to him.

"Let's hook it up!" Jason chimed in. Now I was giggling at all of them.

They got it hooked up to the TV and found some games in the closet. They are going to be up all night playing that stupid thing.

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked.

"No." they responded.

"What did you just say?" I asked again. There is no way they just said they weren't hungry.

"Not hungry." They mumbled.

"Well okay then. I'm going to go make something for me and Kenna." I said.

"No!" Jason turned around.

"What?' I asked.

"Uh, you shouldn't eat. Just make something for Kenna." He said.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing, We just had a late lunch and I don't want you to get a stomach ache from eating too much." He replied. I gave him a skeptical look before turning around and going to the kitchen.

I made Kenna a mac n' cheese cup. We sat in the kitchen while she ate so that she couldn't see those stupid violent games the boys were playing. After she was done, I headed upstairs to get her ready for her bath. Caleb stopped me at the bottom of the stairs. "I'll take her and get her ready for bed." He offered.

"That's okay. I don't mind. I don't want to watch you guys play those stupid video games anyway." I replied.

"No really, I could use some time with the little squirt." he said as he poked Kenna and she giggled in response.

"Okay." I gave up.

I walked into the living room and the boys were on their way upstairs. "What the hell is going on?" I asked.

Theo grabbed my arm and said, "Come on, I need your help with something." I went upstairs to his room with him and he asked, "Can you help me look for my charger?"

"You mean this one that is plugged into the wall?" I asked.

"Uh, no my other charger." he said.

"Okay." I said hesitantly.

After looking around his room for about ten minutes, Theo said, "It's okay, I'll find it later."

"Um, okay." I said and headed back downstairs. The lights were off. What the hell is going on? I looked in the dining room and Jason was standing by the table with a meal and candles lit.

"Oh my gosh! What is this?" I asked.

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