Chapter 13

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It had been two days since Jason kissed me and all I wanted to do was kiss him again. The boys were right, I did like him. But there is no way I am going to admit that to them. I had just gotten out of the shower and I was wrapped in a towel. I was staring at myself in the mirror. The scar on my shoulder stood out. I can never wear a shirt that shows my shoulders ever again. It is so ugly. It makes me ugly. What will Jason say if he ever sees it? Even if things worked out with him, if he ever saw my scars, it would probably scare him off.

Just then the door came open. I jumped and covered my shoulder with my hand hoping he couldn't see it. His gaze softened.

"Can I help you?" I tried to act like nothing was wrong. I shifted my gaze back into the mirror.

He walked up behind me and said, " You know your scars don't define who you are. They might be a part of you, but that doesn't change your heart." He said. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. He grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom. I must be an open book because I tried to hide it and yet, he still saw right through me.

After I got dressed, I went to clean up the kitchen.

"Hi M!" Kenna greeted me.

"Good morning Kenna." I replied.

The boys were sitting at the counter finishing their breakfast. "Why did you change? I liked your outfit earlier." Jason said with a smirk. He could tell I was feeling better. He was back to normal which made me feel better about earlier.

"What?" I asked confused.

"What were you wearing earlier?" Kenna asked.

"Yes, what were you wearing earlier?" Carter chimed in.

"Nothing but a towel." Jason said low enough that Kenna couldn't hear him.

"Ooo" The boys said as they looked at me.

"Too bad you didn't walk in a little earlier." Carter smirked.

"He's lucky he didn't, or he might have gotten a punch to the face." I responded.

They chuckled in response.

After everyone got done eating, I was cleaning up the kitchen when Jason walked in.

"Thank you." I said. "For this morning."

"You know, as much as you try to cover it up I can see right through you. You don't have to put on a brave face for us. We accept you for who you are."

"Thank you." I simply responded. "I just don't like when people feel sorry for me or every time they look at me they get this sympathetic look on their face. I know what I have been through is not normal and I am still dealing with it, but I can handle it and if I need help I will ask for it."

"No you won't. You'll try to handle everything on your own and you will end up pushing everyone who cares about you away. You always try to put on a brave face, no matter how many times I tell you that you don't have to." He argued. I have never seen him argue with anyone like this. I was angry with him. I stayed silent and finished cleaning. I knew if I opened my mouth I might end up saying something I would regret.

I was laying in my bed thinking about the argument between Jason and I and I realized he was right. I would push everyone away. The same thing happened when my mom died. I isolated myself for too long and things got really ugly in my world. It took a long time for me to get back to normal. I have to tell him. I went downstairs and the boys were watching TV. Jason had put Kenna down for her nap when I was cleaning up from lunch.

"Jason? Can I talk to you?" I asked. Everyone looked at me. I can tell he told them what happened.

"Sure." He said, but he didn't move.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I asked getting a little bit angry.

"Sure, but you realize you can tell them anything too. They have no one else to tell and they care about you too." He replied. Well, now I feel bad about not telling them everything. I took a deep breath and sat on the couch next to Jason.

"Well, I assume you told them what happened?" I asked. Jason nodded in response. "Look, you were right. I am so mad at myself for not seeing it earlier. I did the same thing when my mom died. I pushed everyone away and my world went dark for a long time. It took me about six months to start getting back to normal after she died. So, thank you for calling my bullshit and being there for me when I needed you. All of you. You have no idea how much you have helped me already." I said as I smiled at them and a single tear slid down my face. Jason pulled me into a hug. Soon the other boys came over and I was engulfed in a huge group hug. At this moment, I felt the most love and comfort I have felt in a very long time.

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