Chapter 14

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We were all sat around the table for dinner. I felt Jason's hand on my knee. I smiled to myself and kept eating. He slowly started sliding his hand up my thigh. I started to squirm. I shot him a glare telling him to stop. He simply smirked in return. I tried to push his hand down with mine, but he was a lot stronger than me.

"Stop it!" I whispered to him.

"And if I don't?" He asked with a smirk.

His hand slid too far for my liking. I jumped up and everyone stared at me. "Who needs more to drink? No one? Ok, just me? I'll be right back." I rambled and hurried into the kitchen. I can't believe he did that in front of everyone! I didn't even want to go back into the dining room. I was so embarrassed. The other boys obviously knew something happened. After I filled my glass, I was about to go through the door when I heard the boys talking about me.

"So, what's up with you two?" Carter asked.

"Yeah, are you guys dating now?' Theo asked.

"I don't know." Jason responded. "I really like her." My heart started to flutter. It was such a relief to know that he felt the same way I did.

Later that night, after Kenna had been put to bed, the boys and I were watching a show. The episode had just ended and Carter, Theo, and Caleb were going to bed. I probably should go that way, but I know that Friends comes on at about this time. I grabbed the remote and started skimming the guide.

"Oh, ridiculousness is on. Let's watch that." Jason said.

"I want to watch Friends!" I whined.

He grabbed the remote out of my hands.

"Too bad I'm in control now."

"Hey!" I whined as I stole the remote back. I got up off the couch. Jason gave me a smirk.

"Give that back." He said.

"And if I don't?" I mocked him from earlier. I smirked. He charged at me. Oh shit! I started running as fast as I could through the dining room into the kitchen and listened for his footsteps. I lost him. The door swung open and Jason ran through the door. I ran back into the living room and I got to the opposite end of the couch. He chased me around the couch, but he was faster than me. He caught up to me and picked me up by the waist. I was laughing trying to tell him to put me down. He sat me on the couch and slid the remote out of my hands. I started reaching for it but he held it just out of my reach. Stupid boys and their long arms! I stopped trying so that he would relax and as soon as he let his guard down I would be ready to steal it back.

After about five minutes I could see his grip loosened on the remote. I stole it and held it as far away from him as I could. He shot me a look then reached over trying to grab it. I leaned away from him trying to make sure he couldn't reach it. He grabbed my hips and the next thing I knew he was straddling me on the couch. Once I realized the position we were in, I started to get nervous. My arms were above my head holding the remote. He leaned close to my face and I felt his hands sliding up my arms. Then the remote was plucked from my grip. Damn it! His facial expressions hardened. He stared into my eyes before his gaze flickered down to my lips. I wanted him to kiss me so bad. So I helped myself. I closed the gap between us. He responded instantly, his hands slid down my arms until they cupped my face. I ran my fingers through his hair and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. He began playing with my hair when he pulled away because we were both out of breath. We were both breathing hard and I got lost in his eyes.

"What are you doing to me?" he whispered, snapping me back into reality. I gave him a small smile and stroked his cheek with my thumb. I kissed him one last time before I sat up.

"Hey, Maddie?" He said.

"Hmm?" I responded still mesmerized with the feeling of his lips on mine.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said so casually I almost didn't comprehend what he said.

"What?" I responded.

"Will you be my girlfriend? Officially?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh." I said. He was starting to get nervous."Yes! Yes, sorry. You just surprised me."

He shot me a smile and kissed me on the forehead before heading up the stairs to bed.

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