Chapter 12

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I was cleaning up lunch and Jason was the only one still sitting at the counter. He was thinking really hard about something.

"Hey, What's up with you?" I asked

"Ah, nothing." He said.

"No, come on. I feel like I'm the one who is always telling you about my problems. It's time for the tables to turn. Talk to me." I said.

"I just wonder, when this whole thing is over and we go back to our lives, what if they take Kenna away from me? I mean, I'm not married, hell I don't even have a girlfriend. I don't look at all suitable to take care of her."

"I would hope that they wouldn't take her away from the only family she has left. And you never know the girl of your dreams could be anywhere."

Carter walked into the kitchen. "Yeah like right in front of you." He mumbled as he passed me. I kicked him in the shin. "Ow!" He yelped. I gave him a death glare and he walked out of the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Jason asked.

"Nothing, Just Carter being Carter." I replied

Jason just shrugged and walked into the living room. I was trying to put a dish back, but I couldn't reach the top cabinet. I got on the counter and got it put away, but when I tried to get down, I slipped and fell off the counter. I hit my cheek on the counter on the way down. Oh great. Nice going, Maddie. How are you going to explain this one? The boys came running into the kitchen

"What happened? Are you ok?" They asked.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine. I just dropped a pan." I lied, hoping they wouldn't see right through me. They looked at me suspiciously and walked away. They totally didn't believe me. I touched my jaw. Oh shit that hurt. It is definitely going to swell. I'll just cover it up, it'll be fine.

Later that night, after I put Kenna to sleep, we were hanging out in the living room.

"Alright, I'm gonna fall asleep if I don't go to bed." Carter said.

"Same" Theo and Caleb agreed.

Jason and I looked at each other then back at them. "Oh come on you big babies!" I said

"Goodnight" was all they said as they went to their rooms.

Jason looked over at me and his facial expression changed to concern. "What happened there?" He asked as he pointed to my cheek.

I covered it "Oh nothing."

"It's really swollen." He said, "You need to get some ice on that."

I sat there for a couple of seconds before I gave in. I knew he was right. We walked into the kitchen and he patted the counter signaling for me to sit there. I hopped up on the counter and he got the ice out of the freezer and placed it on my cheek. I put my hand over his and said," I think I can handle this one." He just chuckled and let me hold the ice pack. After about twenty minutes, he took the ice pack and put it back in the freezer.

"Let me look at it." He said as he came closer. He was just inches from my face now. My heart rate quickened. He used his thumb and index finger to lift my chin so he could see it. Then his gaze moved to my eyes. He glanced down at my lips then back into my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. I responded immediately. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer His hand landed on my thigh. Holy crap. I can't believe this is happening. He slowly pulled away but just to where he was a few inches from my face. We just stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. I stroked his cheek with my thumb.

"It's getting late." He whispered

"We should probably go to bed." I whispered back, but neither of us moved. After a while, I said, "Ok, we should actually go to bed now." He slowly moved back so I could get down.

"Where are you going to sleep tonight?" He asked while we were walking to our rooms. "I don't know. Where do you want me to sleep?" I asked.

He smiled at me and I knew the answer. We got in his bed and I snuggled into him. I instantly fell asleep.

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