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Finn's POV

Richie was in love with Eddie.

Eddie was confused.

Me and Jack had this weird involvement.

Our friends thought we hated each other.

In conclusion, I had to play a character who was in love with their best friend while liking my best friend in real life but having to pretend that playing this character was torture so that I could get back at my friends.

Confusing, trust me I know.

"and Action!"

I was sitting by Jaeden as we watched Jack and Wyatt perform a scene. Andy said that if allowed, the scene would be included in his supercut of the movie. It wasn't required for us to shoot these scenes in our contract, but we had all agreed to shoot them. The other losers were getting ready to go home.

**(into a movie watching perspective)**

The scene was set at the kissing bridge. Eddie was walking past it on an errand.

He was walking with his head bowed while chewing his lip. It had been two days since the game of truth or dare in the clubhouse.

And it was all he could think about.

He had kissed his best friend, Richie.

The amount of germs he had probably gotten from that kid's lips was probably an infinite amount. But he didn't instantly try to sterilize his mouth after the kiss.

So now he was horrified at himself, half because now he probably had AIDS and half because he hadn't wanted to sterilize his mouth.

He touched his lips as he walked out of the tunnel to the other side of the bridge.

"Stupid Richie," Eddie muttered. He took a glance to his left at all of the names people had carved on there. Some were scratched out and others were carved into hearts.

One carving stood out, mocking him. A large 'R + E' was carved.

His heartrate sped up as he saw it and his breathing got intense, he dug for his aspirator in his fanny pack.

Eddie sucked in huge breaths and tried to calm down, using his aspirator as a clutch.

He was curious however, so he walked toward the carving. Eddie was crouching, with his face close to the splintered wood.

Splinters be damned, Eddie traced his finger of the 'R', "Richie," he whispered then traced the 'E', "and Eddie."

His heart was still pounding in his chest.

"Fucking Richie," Eddie muttered and looked down away from the carving. There was an open space on the board underneath it.

He barely comprehended what he was doing, but sure enough he had a pointed rock in his hand. He started carving, just a heart.

But he stared at the carving, knew it was missing something. So he etched an 'R' into the heart.


Eddie jumped back to standing and turned around.

"S-stan," he stuttered.

Stan laughed, "woah there Eddie, sounding like Bill right there, what's troubling you?"

Eddie drew in a deep breath, "just running an errand for my mommy."

Stan rolled his eyes at Eddie's submission to his mother, "same, but for my dad," he glanced to the fence behind Eddie.

Eddie paled and nervously looked behind him too, "I was just um," he caught sight of the carving he had just made, "just looking at that carving," he pointed to his own, "looks like someone actually fucking likes Richie."

Eddie tried to be light hearted, unsuspicious even, but that was too hard to hope for.

"Yeah," Stan glanced at the rock in Eddie's hand, "looks like someone does."



Boom. Another Reddie scene.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the last chapter. I will address Finn's plan. This was sort of a filler chapter I guess.

Sorry fam.

I do have a plan (I say for the billionth time)

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