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Jack's POV

"Places people!" Andy called.

I was the only one not in their spot, the call was directed towards me.

I was still distracted, because of Finn, and I needed to rant to someone badly.

My go-to used to be Finn, but he's the dick I need to rant about so obviously that's not gonna work out.

I dazedly got up and to my spot by Finn while scanning my options.

Wyatt and Jaeden seemed to have their own thing going on with Finn, I've never held a serious conversation with Jeremy and Chosen. Which left Sophia, who I love, but she seemed to be in the same mindset as Wyatt and Jaeden--thinking me and Finn were head over heels for each other.

But she was really good at listening and giving advice, which was better than nothing.


I was jolted from my thoughts by Finn shaking me.

"Eddie! Snap out of it!" It was Richie, not Finn, and I was supposed to be Eddie.

The dumbfounded look that was 'so perfect' on Eddie's face was really just me snapping back into character.

But it was hard, because Finn's hands were still clasped on my shoulders and I had fallen completely into his eyes.

And I was still completely positive that the warm feeling in the pit of my stomach was annoyance and anger.


"Sophia!" I called at the red hair bouncing off set.

She whipped around with a smile still plastered on her face, her mood had definitely improved now that sleep was within reach for her.

"What's up Jackie-boy?" She sang.

I waited until I was closer to her before speaking, "I really need to talk to you."

She nodded and pulled me behind a set piece. "What's going on?" she had a hushed tone, "is it Finn?"

I glanced around to make sure he wasn't around, "yes!"

I was about to go on when she gave a high pitched shriek.

I slapped a hand over her mouth and glared, "It's not an exciting matter. He's being a fucking dick!"

She caught the venom in my tone and immediately lost the grin.

"What happened? You guys seemed to be close during lunch."

I didn't want to tell her everything...the kiss was too embarrassing to explain.

I sighed, "we talked after lunch, and he made it clear he thought he was better than me. Our friendship really was just him pitying me, I was just an object for him to do with he pleased with."

I was shaking with emotion. All of the hate and hurt was overwhelming me, catching in my throat.

"Hey, it's okay," she pulled me into a hug. I was still shaking, so she started rubbing my back.

I realized something, "I think..." I started, "I think I hate him Sophia." Those words made me shake more, my own words.

"Jack?" It was Finn, "Jack?" I didn't answer.

Sophia kept rubbing my back.

"Sophia, is he okay?"

I was just limply hugging her and listening to him talk. I started to calm down, my shakes weren't as violent.

"Finn, I really don't think--"

"Finn," I interrupted Sophia and stood up straight, "I'm switching rooms. I'm going to stay with Sophia."


And the drama continues...

I was so excited for today because I have so much time to write.

I literally just drank a cup of coffee and found a comfy spot with the vampire diaries playing in the background and then started writing.

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