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Finn's POV

Jaeden and Wyatt were close. They were basically sitting on top of each other during lunch. It wasn't the usual gross PDA stuff couples usually produced--the cheesy shit with winks and giggles--they were basically just acting like I imagine best friends would. Joking and laughing.

Or maybe best friends didn't act like that, I just have been basically dating my best friend for the past few years.

Were me and Jack like that? Before we started....making out? Whatever it was called. Before that happened, were we so obviously close?

We still had another twenty minutes left of lunch and Jack was sitting by Sophia. They were in a seemingly pleasant conversation, which was good. I wanted to make up with our friends, I valued their friendship.

But it also meant I was bored.

And I would never to admit to anyone my next actions. Not only because it was embarrassing, it proved how much of a dumbass I was.

'IT cast interviews' shamefully plagued my youtube browser. I clicked on the first one that came up.

We all looked so different, so much younger and smaller. We were all crammed together behind a table. It seemed like there was hardly any chairs and some were standing and Jack and I seemed to be sharing one.

I literally laughed out loud, I had just slapped Jack's hand and then rubbed his arm. Shit I was such a flirt and I didn't even know it.

Pretty soon I was sucked into a stream of videos all labelled in some way with the words 'fack.'

I couldn't help but smile as Jack kept repeating the words 'fack is real,' over and over. He was live streaming and fans kept telling him to kiss me, and he was eager.

God we were both oblivious assholes.

"Why you smiling Finn?" Chosen asked all of a sudden, he held a playful smile to his face.

I looked up from my phone, after quickly exiting from the app. God I was such a creep, I was watching myself and my best friend when we were young.

"Dank memes bro," I joked and cracked a more goofy smile.

Chosen scoffed, "whatever."

Jaeden and Wyatt looked up at me and grinned, like they knew what I had done. Was I just being paranoid? I must have been because they both thought me and Jack hated each others' guts.

"Finn," Jaeden had a sly smile, I gulped, "are you talking to a girl?"

I wanted to laugh, he still thought I was straight. Not that I knew if I was gay or bi or pan or whatever. I had literally made out with Jack in front of them, I fucking shoved my tongue down his throat.

"Dude!" Wyatt laughed and elbowed the boy, "he licked Jack's molars last night, he's got to be gay or at least half gay."

"That's not how it works dipshit," Jaeden argued, "it's bi, or pan, or whatever, you can't be half gay. That doesn't make sense, you can't only half like dick."

"Ok well then he's at least bi or something! No way a straight dude would kiss his homie like that even if they were ex homies."

Wyatt and Jaeden relapsed into their usual playful arguing.

I didn't really want to focus on a label for myself, that seemed way too terrifying, so I pushed their argument away.

Instead I looked over at Jack. He looked tired and drained of energy, which was a strange look for him. He was staring off into space.

He looked like he was sleeping with his eyes open. He was hardly moving, besides his breathing his hand was the only thing moving. It was resting under his chin.

But his fingers kept tapping his jawline.

Right at his bruise.

I fucking swear, this kid


I feel like that ended cringely, but I'm going to blame it on sleep deprivation. It took me like five hours to complete a measly chapter. But for some reason I can't sleep so I'm writing instead I guess.

I just want to thank everyone for the comments and everything like it literally warms my heart y'all are so nice.

If this book ever gets too cringey just drop a comment cause I completely get it.

Idk if I will have enough mental capacity to write more, I slept for a full four hours this morning which isn't so bad but You know me, dramatics are my drug.

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