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Jack's POV

Andy accepted our first two takes of the scene.

The day was finally over.

It was probably the most emotional day of my life.

I started out pissed at Finn. Then we kissed--even if it was for acting exercises--and my thoughts were all over the place. It had felt so good to kiss him, strange I will admit, and I was scared of what that meant.

Then we kissed again, softer. I felt surer of my feelings, still scared as hell, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted him to never stop kissing me.

And then he crushed everything. Professional, he had said. He didn't feel it. He was falling for me like I was falling for him. The bastard.

I was pissed, only feeling angry to cover up the pain. I had to act, do my job, be professional.

I had to kiss Finn again, this time in front of our friends. They got to see my vulnerability and Finn's professionalism.

I tried to leave the set before any of the cast could talk to me. Which was very stupid of me since I was going to have to see them when we got to the hotel.

Sophia came up to me after the scene, "Jack!" She had called to me as I tried to ignore her presence.

"What's up?" I was trying to be casual.

"Are you and Finn okay again?"

I flinched when she said Finn's name. I didn't know what to say. Our friend's weren't idiots, they definitely had noticed the glares me and Finn had shared.

"Uh...yeah, I mean there's still some tension but, we're besties," I tried my hardest to hide my emotions. I tried to be light hearted, but Sophia's brows scrunched together. She was confused.

"No, I mean," she looked hesitant, "you guys just seemed to be acting strange ever since you can back from those exercises with messy hair and swollen lips," my heart started racing, I was definitely blushing, "Is there anything you guys are hiding?"

"What?!" I sputtered. I had not expected her to draw such conclusions.

"Sophia," she looked at my curiously, "I'm only going to tell you this because I can definitely trust you."

Finn's POV

"Wyatt what the hell?!"

He merely looked at me innocently. He was definitely a good actor if he could remain composed after asking me if I was boning Jack.

"....Well?" He inquired further.

"No!" I yelled and then realized I was being loud, "no," I whispered, "why would you even think that?"

"Dude," Wyatt said grabbing my by the shoulders and staring into my eyes honestly, "literally everyone thinks so." I pushed him away from me.

"Whatever." I grumbled rolling my eyes.

"Well what do you expect us to think after you two come stumbling onto set, hair disheveled, clothes a mess, tension between you two, and swollen lips? Come on Finn we aren't idiots, it's clear you guys feel for each other," Wyatt blatantly stated.

He was just being a dick. I rolled my eyes again.

"We aren't in love," I grumbled.

Wyatt burst out laughing, "I didn't say you were," I blushed, "I just think, along with everyone else-i.e. your friends-that there are feeling going on."

"Yeah, like hatred." I muttered.

"What do you mean?" We had started walking towards the car.

"We've just been arguing ever since Andy announced 'reddie' was going to happen," I noticed my tone was melancholy, "the only feelings we have towards each other is annoyance."

Wyatt stopped walking, we were barely two feet away from the car. I turned around to look at him.

"Dude," he had said like he expected me to understand, "how can you be this blind?"

I stared at him blankly.

He shook his head and walked to the car. As he got in I heard him mutter, "I'm friends with lovesick idiots."


Later update than usual. Sorry bout that...

I think I made another scheme up, a perfect plan for the boys...

I guess we will see how the next chapters play out.

Quick question: do you want this to be short and sweet or drawn out long with lots of chapters and drama.

Like have the book end in less than 20 chapters or continue their stories for another year or two of their lives for about 60+ chapters?

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