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Jack's POV

I may have crossed the line, but Finn crossed way before me. I was just being petty again.

"Alright crew," Andy called while walking up to all of us sitting on the floor, "everyone besides Finn and Jack go practice the new scene."

I groaned internally, what now? There was going to be a 'reddie' sex scene? Because no way in hell would I agree to that, just the thought of it made my palms sweaty and stomach queasy.

Everyone reluctantly got up and left, besides me and Finn.

"Okay boys, time to practice that kiss."

My heart dropped and I'm pretty sure I lost a couple of shades to my complexion.

I knew the sharp intake of breath to my right was from Finn.

"And I'm thinking it will happen during a game of truth of dare like I had you guys doing today," Andy explained, "Except it will be a surprise for the rest of the losers, characters and actors. We want to capture a real reaction hopefully, that's why I'm having you guys practice the kiss far away from the others."

Kissing Finn was awkward enough without being completely pissed at him. I had no desire of even being a foot away from him.

Not that I have ever desired that.

"You guys will probably have to kiss several times to get over the awkwardness and to establish the appropriate 'style' for the scene."

Great. Just great.

"I'll leave you guys alone so its not as awkward, but I'll be back to check on the progress." Andy walked away and the further he got the faster my heart beat.

"Thanks for blaming me during truth or dare." Finn interrupted the awkward silence and towards me.

I turned to glare at him.

"I was being truthful about yesterday." I simply said, I began to think I enjoyed being petty.

"That's bull and you know it," Finn took a step towards me and I stepped back, "the only thing that was desperate yesterday was your acting."

"Fuck you!" I spat and took another step backwards realizing I was backed into a wall with Finn hardly six inches away from me.

Finn got even closer, he was just staring directly into my eyes, burning holes to be exact. It was too intense, my heart was racing and my palms were sweating. I liked to believe it was in rage.

The way I could feel his breath on face really set me off and I pushed his shoulders, forcing him back. I wasn't a particularly strong person, Finn was just shocked by my physical contact.

Finn just stared at me, anger was clearly the surface emotion on his face. I looked away before I caught any other emotions.

"How's the exercise faring?" Andy interrupted the tension.

I tried to play off my anger and annoyance and get back into my usual self.

"Great!" Finn said, he clearly had the same idea.

Andy looked between us, assessing the scene:

At least five feet between us

red faces

not meeting each others eyes...

There are two very different conclusions that he could draw from the clues.

"So you haven't even started?" Andy's voice only held a little bit of disappointment.

"It's just--"

"Awkward? Uncomfortable?" Andy cut me off, "I know it will be hard, but I really think this will push the film towards success."

We both nodded, I felt guilty. This was supposed to be our jobs, our professional jobs. So we had to act professionally.

Which means I am going to have to kiss this dipshit and it is going to have to be the best damn kiss ever.

Andy just nodded at us and started to walk away again, "Please attempt the exercise and if you still haven't moved in five minutes I am going to have to walk you through it. And that will be way more uncomfortable than the current situation."

I slowly turned towards Finn once Andy was far away. He was just staring at me.

We were both pissed at each other, it was obvious, but I slowly got closer to him.

He reached forward towards my face.

I was reluctantly getting closer.

I could see him let out a regretful breath, the kind an addict lets out before relapsing.

Then he grabbed ahold of the back of my neck and smashed me lips to his.


I tried..?

I will try to write the next chapter quickly.

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