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IT Chapter two was in the process of being filmed. The losers didn't have many scenes to film since the movie was centered around the adults.

There were only a couple of scenes of all of the losers together and some one-on-one scenes of them individually.

The whole gang was sitting on set getting prepped for a scene of the losers in the woods.

"Finn! Wyatt! Watch this!" Jack was standing on top of a chair with Jaeden standing a bit away with his back facing Jack and his eyes closed. Pretty much anyone watching could tell what the boys were up to.

Finn started giggling after realizing what was going on.

"Three...."Jack was grinning and counting on top of the chair while slightly bending his knees, "Two..." and before he said three he jumped through the air to land on Jaeden's back. The wind was knocked straight out of Jaeden and he fell to his knees which propelled Jack forward.

Finn fell straight onto his back as one of Jack's flailing arms clotheslined him. They landed with a loud thud on the ground. The rest of the losers started laughing until Andy came up to them.

"Boys, get up off the floor and stop horsing around, we are starting the scene in three." Andy wasn't being super stern, but he did convey that he meant business. He started walking away but then turned back to Jack and Finn on the floor, "If this scene doesn't take all day can you boys come and see me after. I need to discuss some things with you."

Finn and Jack looked at each other all worried. They were both trying to figure out what Andy would want to discuss with them, but they quickly went back into their characters for the scene.

The whole gang was called into their positions and directed to say their short lines.

The scenes focus was mostly on Jeremy's character, Ben, being loyal and compassionate towards his friends by making them a hangout spot.

It only took a couple of shots to perfect the scene, meaning the scene only took a couple of hours and Finn and Jack had plenty of time to meet with Andy.

"Ready to get chewed out?" Jack asked grinning at Finn cheekily.

"Hey now, I didn't jump off a chair and knock out Jaeden."

Jack just rolled his eyes while still grinning. He grabbed Finn's arm and tugged him to Andy while running.

Both of the boys' curls were bouncing crazily and they halted in heavy breaths and flushed faces in front of Andy.

"Boys!" Andy exclaimed, "nice work with the scene by the way. Come sit by me," he said gesturing to the seats in front of him.

The boys complied and gave each other another glance. For some reason they were both super stressed about whatever Andy wanted to talk about.

"So I was having a small conversation with Hader about the friendship between Eddie and Richie and how Richie's character development will progress."

Jack could kind of see where this was going, Finn hoped that he didn't know what was going on.

"We both agreed that there has always been something more between Eddie and Richie. We also agreed that Richie has always been a bit closed off like he was hiding something from the rest of the losers." Andy hesitated before he went on, "we want to develop a romance between Richie and Eddie. Reddie is going to be real!"


Sorry for the shit show, hopefully the quality gets better.

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