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Jack's POV

Andy was really taking all sorts of risks in the second chapter. I mean....sure Reddie has been an underlining sort of 'interpret Richie and eddie's relationship as you please' thing, but to confirm the romance between the two boys is controversial and Andy knows that.

"Wait what?" Finn was the first to respond, and he usually was only impolite when he was caught off guard.

"I know it will be weird for you guys, but I really think the story needs their secret romance," Andy explained further.

"But," Finn started again, clearly still out of his 'Canada nice' brain and into a more 'total savage mode' mindset, "I told fans live that reddie was more of a brother relationship because you said that it was."

I remember that day. Finn texted me saying that Andy had told him to tone done all the attention we were bringing to 'reddie' or 'fack' because he wanted a different message of IT to be focused on.

"That is true, so fans will be expecting it least!" Andy was still pumped about the idea and it wasn't like I was opposed, it was just a bit odd and unexpected.

"So what," I said, "Me and Finn are just going to start making out in one of the flashback scenes?"

Andy laughed, "Well no, not exactly." He looked at Finn more directly now, "We actually were not sure if Reddie would even have a kiss scene or not and if it would be as kids or as adults. And we were going to focus more on Richie's part in Reddie."

I shared a glance at Finn who looked at me with a raised brow.

"What does that even mean?" Finn asked.

Andy looked both excited and nervous, I hadn't realized this was such an important thing for him.

"Well we weren't even sure if 'Reddie' would even be a couple per say, and we wanted to create an aspect of Richie's character were he has been sort of repressing his feelings and identity."

Finn looked like he was about to laugh.

"And we thought it would be perfect to focus more on Richie's character because he was such a two-dimensional character in the first movie." Andy finally seemed to be done explaining our new character traits and sat back in his chair to look between the both of us, waiting to hear what we would say.

I heard a soft laugh from Finn.

"Ok," I said, "I mean we are close anyways."

Finn seemed surprised but nodded as well, "Yeah, I mean it's just acting, and I love having a challenge."

Andy grinned and I tried to smile as well, but for some reason what Finn said cause my stomach to clench.

"That's great boys, we can do some exercises to help to."


I honestly don't know what to say.

I tried..?

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