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Jack's POV

In retrospective, it was actually very idiotic of me to be saying, 'see you tomorrow.'

Me and Finn had to take the same car to the hotel where we were sharing the same room and the same bed.

I had elected to sleep on the couch in the joint space between bedrooms.

Finn's POV

I felt bad about taking the bed. If it was any consolation, I hardly slept and I'm sure you could tell.

Jack was pissed at me. I had wanted him to feel the anxiety I was feeling from him. So that's on me.

"Hey team," Andy greeted as we got on set, "lets get ready to rock that scene today."

The other losers seemed just as tired as me, meaning we all groaned slightly at Andy's pep.

"Jack, Finn, can I talk to you guys?" Andy called out to us. I looked over at Jack, but he wasn't looking at me.

I was confused as to how I was involved in whatever Andy wanted to talk about. I mean Jack was the one who messed up the whole scene yesterday.

"Alright boys," Andy had us pulled off to the side away from all of the costuming the rest of the team was being put through, "Hader and I made a decision--"

"So this isn't about the scene yesterday?" Jack asked letting a breath out.

"Sort of." Andy answered and I could almost hear Jack's body tense up. "I mean we are changing the scene a little bit, but first we need to do some more exercises. This time with everyone."

This time both me and Jack made eye contact with a nervous look.

"Hader and I agreed we would shoot two kiss scenes between the two characters, one as adults and one as kids," my heart started beating like crazy, "whichever one seems to fit better we will go with."


Andy explained to the other losers what he had just explained to us, minus the kissing part. They were basically told we were going to change the scene a little bit and going to practice with an exercise or two. The first one was truth or dare.

Everyone was excited besides me and Jack.

"I'll start," Sophia said, "Wyatt, truth or dare?"

"Dare." His eyes were gleaming and so were Sophia's, hers in a more mischievous way.

"I dare you to...do a handstand on that chair Jack jumped off of yesterday."

Wyatt rolled his eyes and mounted the chair. He held his handstand for not even a second before crashing onto the floor next to where Jaeden was sitting in the circle.

"You okay?" Jaeden asked Wyatt who just nodded and started laughing. The rest of us joined in.

"Okay, my turn." Wyatt said. "Jaeden, truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm not a pussy."

"Really?" Sophia said and smacked Jaeden's shoulder.

"I dare you to do ten pushups while me and Jack sit on your back," Wyatt was laughing, knowing that there was no way Jaeden-or anyone in the group for that matter-could actually do it. He just wanted the kicks and giggles and I was here for it.

Jaeden rolled his eyes and got on his hands and knees.

Jack and Wyatt sat directly onto his back and Jaeden groaned from the weight.

"Ready?" I asked. "Three...two....one...go!"

Jaden got into plank position and then completely collapsed onto the floor.

Everyone burst out laughing for a solid amount of time.

Once we calmed, Jaeden asked the next person: Jack.

"Truth?" Jack said in more of a question. I could tell from his fidgeting body that he was still not feeling the best from our spat yesterday.

Jaeden groaned, obviously having a good dare in mind. Jack usually never picked truth.

"Fine," Jaeden said, "why were so upset yesterday that you kept messing up the scene?"

Ouch. Jaeden was a blunt person. Jack barely looked phased besides the increase in tapping his knee.

"Finn was giving me the heart eyes, I had been seducing him earlier with the exercises and I felt bad for how much it had seemed to affect him. I just couldn't shake off his desperation."

The losers where quiet, trying to see what truth was in Jack's statement--he usually had some sort of truth in his sarcastic rants.

I was pissed.



I think I have a plan...

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