Chapter 17

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Vivian catches the riot act when she gets home from dropping Jordan at the airport. Her mom had checked on her just after eleven o'clock last night, she knew Vivian hadn't slept at home last night. "Were you with Jordan" she asked her.  "No mama I was with my other boyfriend."

Her mom begins her lecture, "Honey,  I just don't want you to get hurt. He's a sweet boy, but I just don't see it working out between y'all. He's not right for you. Y'all are from different worlds. He's going to break your heart. You're talking about moving to Boston for college just for some boy. That's crazy sweetheart. What happens when you get up there and he breaks up with you and you have no one?"

Vivian is getting angry, "Mom, are you serious right now? Jordan and I are in love. We are planning a life together. He's not going to break up with me or break my heart once I get to Boston. And even if he does, I wouldn't have no one, Daddy lives in Boston, remember? I know it's easy for you go forget about my dad, but he wants me to move to Boston too. So Jordan isn't the only reason for me to go to school in Boston. Oh and mom, Dallas and Boston aren't two different worlds. We makes sense, why are you the only one who can't see that? Do you not want me to be happy or loved?"

Her mom doesn't answer her, which hurts Vivian immensely. They walk away from each other, both feeling the distance between them growing.

The next six months flew by. Tonight was prom night. Jordan had called her last week apologizing that be wouldn't be able to make it to Texas. She felt disappointed, but also knew it was silly to expect him to fly all the way to Texas just for a dance. Besides she'd be graduating in two weeks, then she'd be moving to Boston two weeks after that. She'd gotten her dorm assignment and would move to the dorm in August but she wanted to find a part time job until school starts.

Vivian went to prom with Amy and her date, Craig and a few other friends in their group. Unfortunately Erik was also part of that group. They hadn't really talked since that day at her house. They all took a group photo together, Erik stood just behind Vivian.  He kept making excuses to talk to her, touching her bare shoulder and leaning in to speak to her or listen to her. She was oblivious to his actions. He asked her to dance with him. She started to say no, but he pled with her, "Please,  Vivi, just one dance for old times sake?" She broke down and finally said "okay fine, one dance." He took her by the hand as the band began a slow song, he pulled her onto the dance floor. She kept as much distance between their bodies as possible. Erik pulled her closer to him as they swayed to the music. She tried to remember what it was she had once loved about this guy. They had dated for three years. So there must have been something. As her thoughts traveled back in time, she relaxed some against his body.

Vivian felt Erik tense as they danced and a new song started. She didn't stop dancing with him. Suddenly she feels his lips on her shoulder, then on her neck. She's a little caught up in her memories, not stopping him from kissing her neck. Until suddenly she is brought back to present time. She hears the chorus of her song, "Jordan?" Her back is to the stage, so she pushes Erik so she can see the stage. There he is, her beautiful boyfriend, singing her song, looking directly at her. She smiles, but all she sees is hurt in his eyes. She can't understand, until Erik's lips crash down onto hers. What the fuck.... she can't stop him, he's holding her to tight. She pushes at him, but he's relentless. He finally stops and let's go of her, smiling a huge smile at her. She pulls back and slaps him hard across his face.  Her hand stings, his cheek turns red. She turns to find Jordan, he's still on stage singing. She rushes forward, going to him. Erik grabs her arm, roughly pulling her back to him. Jordan moves forward to go to them, but he realizes she's got it handled, as she punches Erik right in the nose.

Vivian makes it to the stage, Jordan hops down continuing the song as he takes her in his arms. Once the song ends, he looks at her, "Hello beautiful."

"I thought you said you couldn't make it? You tricked me and I love you so much for it." He kisses her lips and told her, "I love you too. I thought you and I could drive back to Boston together after your graduation. I didn't want you driving all that way alone."

"You're staying in Texas until I leave for Boston? Oh my God that's wonderful!"

Their loving moment is interrupted by someone grabbing Vivian by the arm and pulling her away from Jordan. Vivian is spun around to face Erik, who's nose is still bleeding from Vivian punching him. "You fucking bitch. I was with you for three years, three fucking years. You made me wait, you weren't ready, then you meet this asshole, and you spread your fucking legs for him. You give him what should have been mine. You told me you loved me for years, but wouldn't even allow me down your pants, not even to touch you. But this fucker, he's inside you the first night? Yeah I know all about the night you met the amazingly, smooth talking Jordan. He's going to break your heart, and when he does, just know you deserve it. I hope he hurts you and you never get over it. Because that's what you've done to me. Then you bring him here, to rub it in my face? How cruel are you?"

Jordan tries to step in front of Vivian, she puts her hand up to him. "Erik, you broke up with me, so you could fuck a whoever over Spring Break, remember that? You broke my heart, and then I met Jordan. He put me back together. He fixed what you broke. You have no one to blame for your current situation other than yourself. I did love you, for three years. You threw that love away. And I moved on, I found someone who appreciates my love. You didn't want me anymore, so you dumped me. So you've lost any right you once had to touch me. So....DO NOT TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN!! Do I make myself clear? Next time you think about touching me, think about how it will feel for me to crush one of your balls."

"Your mom was right, he has changed you. He only appreciates your "love" because you're fucking him. Don't fuck him for three years and see how loyal he stays.  Your mom is right about him, you need to listen to her Vivi. He's going to break you."

Jordan can't listen to this bullshit anymore. He steps forward, between Vivian and Erik. "Alright that's enough. You've said your piece, now leave her alone. You don't get to talk shit to my girl, and me just stand here. I get it though man, you let her go, biggest mistake of your life. You think she'll pine over your dumb ass, be waiting on you after Spring Break. But instead, she meets me, the man of her dreams. And you become yesterday's news. I'm guessing you ran to Viv's mom, get her on your side. Thinking her mom could get her to break up with me. Well it didn't work, we're still together, we're going to always be together. So you better fucking back off. Don't you ever speak to her like that again. She's with me now, stay away from her. Okay?" Erik nods, "alright good talk". Jordan turns and walks back to his girl. Takes her in his arms and whirls her around the dance floor.

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