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What the fuck am I doing? Vivian thought as she sat in her car in the hotel parking lot. I can't do this. This is crazy. I need to cancel this interview, get another reporter.

Vivian knew there was no way out of this. She explained to her editor that she has a complicated past with Jordan Knight, that they dated years ago and it didn't end well. They hadn't seen or even spoken in nine years. Her editor told her to just keep it professional and to get it done.

So here she is, freaking out, in her car. Putting off the inevitable. Get it together Vivian. Just do it!

Her heart races as the elevator opens on the floor his room is on. She steadies herself and knocks on his door. She waits but no one answers. She smiles to herself, he must not be here. She walks back towards the elevator, she's been spared. As she reaches for the elevator button she hears him.

"Hello? Sorry I was just in the shower. Are you from Billboard" Jordan asked.

She slowly turns to face him. His eyes widened and his mouth drops open. "Viv? Is that you"?

She takes him in, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He's still as handsome as ever. And he still has an amazing body. The arms, the pecks, and fuck those abs. Not to mention those big brown eyes. When she meets his eyes she realizes he asked her a question, "yeah Jordan, it's me. Long time, no see. And yes I'm from Billboard. Here for your interview". She was able to force a smile.

He quickly pulled himself together. "Um okay, come on in. Make yourself comfortable while I get dress." She sits down on the couch as he disappears into the bedroom.

Jordan's thoughts are all over the place as he walks into the bedroom. What the fuck is she doing here? After nine years she just shows up with no warning? To interview me? Nine fucking years after she broke my heart, devastated me by just leaving, with no word. Now she's sitting in my hotel room. He throws on some sweats and a tshirt. There's no way to prepare himself for this, so he might as well face her head on. Maybe he can finally get some answers to his questions. Like why'd she leave? Why didn't she call him? Why'd she tell her family not to tell him where she was? Hell where was she all these years? And was her doing this interview her idea or someone else's?

All the anger he had just been feeling washes away when he looks into those blue-gray eyes of hers. God she is still the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Vivian stands up when he comes back into the room, she reaches out to hug him. He wraps her in his arms and holds her. God, she feels good he thinks. He inhales her scent, but she smells different now.

Vivian can't believe she's in his arms. Dear God his arms still feel so good around me. She feels so safe, safer than she's felt in years. Please don't let this end. He releases her just as she has that thought. She looks him over. He hasn't changed a whole lot over nine years. Maybe a little bigger, muscle wise. His hair is shorter, and his rat tail is missing. But those eyes, that smile, dear Lord that dimple. A rush of emotions hit her all at once. Her knees buckle, he reaches out for her and steadies her. "Sorry about that Jordan. I knew this would be difficult, but wow...every emotion I've ever felt for you just hit me all at once." Her eyes filled with tears.

She blotted her eyes and regained her composure.  He sat on the loveseat across from her. She got out her notepad and asked if he was ready for the interview.  "We're just going to jump right into it huh? Okay go ahead" he says, sounding annoyed.  Vivian looked surprised by his sharp tone. " I'm sorry, was there something else you wanted to cover before we start"?
Jordan just looked at her, "Well we haven't seen each other or spoken in nine years. Not since you took off without a word and left me. I looked for you. I flew to fucking Texas looking for you. Just to be told you were fine and not to try and find you. Can I get an explanation at least"?
"Jordan, I'm sorry. But can we at least start the interview? Please? We can talk personal stuff after, I promise." He motioned for her to begin. She was relieved, she knew they would have to have the conversation, but she wasn't ready yet. She had a job to do.

"First question: You just released a new album, did you write all the songs and where do you get inspiration when writing a song?"
Jordan answers, "Yes I wrote the songs, some I have other writers helping me but for the most part, I write them.  As far as inspiration, most of my songs that I've written since my first album were inspired by and are about...well you. Yes Vivian,  nine years later and I'm still writing about you.  This album,  Broken by You and Separate Ways and Don't Run all written about you. My first album I'll Be Lovin You Forever as you know for you and about you."

Vivian is a little flustered by his answer.  She wonders if he's being honest.

"Okay, question two: Tell me about your first single off the new album."

Jordan answers, "Well it's about fucking and giving a girl what she wants. Doing it like she likes it. The song says "Its creepin around in your head, me holding you down in my bed" its sexy. And it's got a good dance beat."

Vivian blushed when he sang those lyrics to her. And just like that it was creeping around in her head...she felt that old familiar twinge. The one she always felt when she was 18 and he would talk dirty to her. She liked that twinge, she missed it.

"Jordan do you have anything to drink? I'm parched." He smiled at her, knowing he had gotten to her. He got up and walked into the kitchenette to get them each a drink. She got up and followed him.  Enjoying the view of him from behind. He turned his head and caught her staring. He spun around real fast and she found herself looking at his crotch. Her eyes shot up to meet his, she found amusement in those brown eyes. "Whatcha lookin at down there Vivian"?

She blushed again and he laughed. He saw he'd embarrassed her, so he reached out and embraced her. She giggled into his chest. She lifted her head to look up at him but found her face in his neck. He could feel her breath on his neck. He knew he needed to step back, put some space between them but he couldn't. All he could think about was the first time they had sex, it was her first ever time. It was amazing for him, for her to have trusted him with that. He had always been honored to have been her first. Thoughts of sex with her and her being this close to him were causing his cock to stir.

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