Chapter 12

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Four weeks went by very quickly. Vivian was packing her suitcase to leave the next day. She was so excited, she talked to Jordan yesterday just before he had to leave for his graduation ceremony. He was excited to be done with high school and ready to start college. But all he mostly talked about was her upcoming visit. He went on and on about what he had planned for her this summer, he talked until she could hear his mom yelling that he was going to be late. So they said their goodbyes and hung up.

Jordan anxiously waited at the arrivals gate for Vivian. He'd convinced her dad to let him pick her up at the airport. He hoped she'd be surprised. He'd made a big sign with her name on it . He also had balloons and flowers for her. He couldn't believe how nervous he was. Was he nervous about seeing her or was it something else making him nervous?

Where was she? Jordan looked at the screens again and it showed her flight had arrived. He began to worry that maybe she missed her flight or decided not to come after all. He was really making himself nervous now.

Vivian was enjoying watching Jordan wait for her. She had rarely caught him off guard last time she was with him. Now it was just good to be able to look at him without feeling his eyes also on her. Because she always felt so aware of him watching her, his presence was so big, she could hardly not be aware of him. But now he had no idea she was there. She really had a chance to take him all in. She really looked him over from his thick beautiful hair to the special way he laced up his sneakers. God he was glorious. Okay she couldn't take it anymore. He had his back turned looking at the baggage claim area seeing if maybe he had missed her. Now was her chance to go to him and surprise him.

She came out from behind the wall she had hidden behind. As she walked up behind him, she checked out what a nice ass he had. Suddenly he turned and faced her. She stopped dead in her tracks. Now she was staring right at his crotch. He noticed, "Whatcha looking at down there, beautiful"? Vivian blushed and threw her arms around his neck.
He could only put one arm around her with the sign, balloons and flowers, but God it felt good holding her again. She looked up into his big brown eyes and she saw exactly what she'd hoped she'd see when she got back to Boston, adoration. He dipped his head down until his lips met hers. As he kissed her, the rest of the world disappeared.

"Let's get out of here, I need a more private venue for a proper hello beautiful."

Vivian couldn't agree more. She took her balloons and flowers and he took her bags. They hurried out to his car and as he put her bags into the trunk she got into the backseat. Jordan went to the driver's door, then realized she wasn't in the front. He looked at her over the seat, a wry grin spreading across his lips. "What are you doing sweetheart? Get up front, let's get you to your dad's, he's expecting us."

"I just want ten minutes alone with you before we're surrounded by people and I can't touch you like I want to."

Jordan was so torn, her dads words running through his head.

"Okay Jordan you can pick my only daughter up from the airport. But you pick her up and bring her straight home. No funny business. No stopping. No messing around. From the airport straight to my house! Is that clear? I like you boy, but I will kick your scrawny ass if you take advantage of my sweet baby girl. So repeat my words to me. Straight home from the airport!"

Jordan repeated, "Straight home from the airport. I promise, sir."

He really didn't want her dad to kick his ass, but he'd missed her so much. "Okay five minutes Viv, then I have to get you home or your dad will kick my ass."

He got into the backseat with Vivian and no sooner had he closed the door, she was on him. Attacking his lips with hers. He couldn't help but respond. Her hands seemed to be everywhere at once. He was a little taken aback, but he liked this side of her. He liked that she'd missed him and now couldn't get close enough to him. He moved his hands to her shoulders first pulling her body against his. Then he pushed her away gently. "Viv sweetie, as much as I'm enjoying this, and believe me I am enjoying this very much." His eyes moved down to his crotch, her eyes followed and she blushed a little. "But I promised your father I'd bring you straight home. Please don't get my ass kicked on your first day here."

Vivian kissed him one more time and said "okay babe, let's go. Can we find a way to be alone tonight? I'm not done with you."

Once she was in the front seat with him and they were on the way to her dads, he took her hand and kissed it, "We can go to my house tonight if you'd like. My folks are out of town. They had to take Grams home and they're staying the week. So we can have a lot of alone time."

They arrived at her dads in record time. Her dad was waiting on the porch when they pulled into the drive. Vivian jumped out and ran to her dad, she was so happy to see him. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Hey Daddy!! I missed you. Where's Diane and Angie?"

"Hey baby girl, I missed you too. So glad your here. They are inside fixing some snacks. We didn't figure you'd want to stay here for a full meal, but thought you and Jordan might stay for a snack."

"Thank you daddy, that'd be great."

Jordan carried her bags into the house and put them in her room. She followed him into her room and ran her arms around his waste from behind, her cheek pressed against his back. "I've missed you so much Jordan." He covered her hands with his and squeezed. "I've missed you too Viv."

"Jordan I have a graduation present for you. When do you want it?" She asked him teasingly. He turned and faced her, taking her face in his hands, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Later. Now let's go have a snack with your family. " He kissed the tip of her nose and led her out of her bedroom.

When they got down stairs Vivian noticed there was still no Diane or Angie. So she went into the kitchen to find them. "Hey y'all." She gave Diane a huge hug, then Angie. " Hey Ang, how's everything going? How's Donnie?"

Angie smiled and said, " Hey sis, he's good. We're actually going together now. How's your reunion with Jordan going? You know you're all he's been talking about the last two months. That boy has it bad for you sister." Vivian smiled when she heard this, "Really?"

Angie rolled her eyes and smiled, "Girl, yes. And he didn't even take anyone to prom. We barely got him to go to prom. He wouldn't dance with anyone except his guy friends and their girlfriends. He must really like you. Jordan used to be a player. Now he's like an old married man. It's sad, but also super sweet."

They sat with her family for about an hour. Then Vivian told her dad that she was going out for a little bit. He told her to have fun, but looked at Jordan and said behave. Vivian ran upstairs to get her purse and they were ready to go.

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