Chapter 14: Tag on!

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At the arena.

The four superstars took their positions and the ones starting off are the Brawler and The All Mighty. They locked hands and began pushing but in the end Lashley won it and threw the Brawler across the ring and took position as the Brawler was getting up Lashley looked forward for a Spear but Rade reversed it into a Scoop Powerslam and went for the pin but he All Mighty kicked out.

"Few minutes later"

The Brawler and The All Mighty we're laying flat on the ring as their partners Asuka and Charlotte we're waiting for them to get the tag as the male superstars jumped and tagged the two and they got inside and the Empress and the Queen we're ready to brawl. 

"Match Highlights"

Charlotte set up Asuka for a Big Boot to the jaw and she went for the pin but The Empress raised her shoulder to stop the count, The Queen was enraged and grabbed Asuka's leg and went for the Figure 8 but it was interrupted when the Brawler got inside and pulled The Empress to safety which forced the All Mighty to get inside and charge at Rade but he dodged it and Lashley went outside stumbling to the ground, The Queen went to The Brawler's face as she was blistering with insults but the Serbian Superstar had to nerves to spit on her face and the crowd reacted to it and cheered, she was about to slap him but he caught her arm and the crowd reacted to it and it gave Asuka the time to get up and do a Spin Kick to the face and then trash talking to her.

"End of the match"

Asuka did her Hip Attack to Charlotte and then gave her a German Suplex and pinned her but he All Mighty put The Queen's leg onto the ropes.

Lashley: Ref, her foot is on the ropes.

The referee saw it and he broke the count and the Empress wasn't happy and she argued with Lashley but little does he know that the Brawler sneak attacked him from behind and grabbed him for Christ's Backbreaker and gave the Empress a thumbs up as she went to Charlotte for the Asuka Lock which forced the Queen to tap out.

Announcer: Here are you winners... The team of Asuka and Race Milkovich!!!

Both foreigners got their arms raised by the referee and then they hugged and the crowd "Awwwed" as they thought it was cute and it gave the two a provide in three weeks.


Rade: Nice teamwork Empress.

Asuka: Thanks your not so bad you're self.

Rade: So what do you want to do now?

Asuka: Let's go home and watch something.

Rade: Sure.

He grabbed her hand and held it tightly and so did she as they walked together and symbolized their unbreakable bond/love.

OK guys, I'm updating later so stay tuned.

Peace out!

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