Chapter 11: Super Showdown.

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At Saudi Arabia.
Rade: We made it to Arabia boys.
Dario: And I'm kicking of the show with Corbin yet again.
Luka: Gable won't know what hit him.
Rade: My match with Lashley is the 4th on the card.
Dario: Hold in I'm getting a call from wifey here. Hey how's it going princess?
Kairi: It's going great, Me, the girls and baby Alex will be rooting for you three to end your matches.
The Duke smiled.
Dario: Tell little Alex that I love him.
Luka: Hey can she get Io on the line?
Dario: He says that he wants Io.
Kairi: Hold on I'll put my speaker.
She turns on the speaker and gives Io the phone.
Io: Luka is something wrong?
Luka: Yes and that is I already miss you.
Io: Already? Poor thing and I miss you too.
Rade: Okay, where's is my Empress?
Asuka: I'm here Rade and I'm cheering you on against Lashley.
Rade: I know I can beat him and I will.
Asuka: Such a strong a boy.
Dario: Alright, we have to go girls catch you tomorrow.
All three of them: Bye!
They hung up.
Dario: Alright boys, time for business.
Rade: Hell yeah, good luck on the so called "King"
Luka: I wanna see him suffer.
Dario: Oh you will.
At the arena.
Their 5th time in the ring and with no remorse if the pain they commit to each other as the war begins. Firing a ton of Disaster Punches to his face before heading up for a Spear but It wasn't enough for the Lone Wolf to get taken out as he grabbed the Duke for End of Days and went for the pin but he somehow kicked out something that even Corbin is shocked.
"End of the match"
A gruelling match where even blood was spat out of their mouths, The winner of KOTR grabbed the Duke for a Chokehold Backbreaker only for him to give a weak roll up count that the Lone Wolf easily broke but only to get a Giga Savate Strike to the face and the Duke went for the pin as he won.
"At the girls side"
Kairi: Alex, daddy won, your daddy won his match.
The little child giggles.
Io: I'm proud of him that he shut Corbin yet again.
Asuka was happy for Dario but she only wanted to see her man in action.
"At the boys side"
The Duke walked backstage only to get a congrats from his fellow Balkan brethren.
Luka: Nice job sending Corbin back to his grave.
Rade: He never shuts up, does he?
Dario: When he won the damn tournament he never quits talking that he's No.1.
Luka: Well let's enjoy the other matches before ours come.
Rade: Yeah.
The tag team matches.
With Styles barred from ringside, it was a fair 2v2 match between the OC and Street Profits. The OC we're dominating and looked forward to end things with a Magic Killer but Montet interfered saving his partner Angelo from certain destruction and as he Clotheslines Anderson and does a Rock Bottom to Gallows which gave Angelo time to do a Frog Splash and retained the titles.
The Revival we're a force to be reckoned with but they met their match with Undisputed Era's Kyle and Bobby, maneuvering with their tag team combinations and it was like a endless cycle, but the Revival turned things around with Shatter Machine to O'Reilly but it wasn't enough to take
them down as they continue more. It was 10 minutes long and Kyle and Bobby did a Double Leg takedown and a Face Breaker combo and they won the SD tag titles.
And next was a very anticipated match of Rade Milkovich and Bobby Lashley, a match that the fans wanted and they got their wish.
Rade: No matter what that veteran has got I'll still prevail.
Dario: Don't get to cocky, Lashley is not to be taken lightly.
Luka: You faced him before and Dario was a big example.
Rade: I'll give it my best fellas.
They all bro hugged before he left.
At the arena.
Both men starred daggers as they met face to face, one was attacked back at MITB and the other one was beaten in a one on one match two weeks ago, and they can now settle all their frustration. The bell rang and the two circled the ring before the Brawler does a Double Leg Takedown and started hitting punches to the All Mighty before getting up for a Cross Kick to the face to which the All Mighty was holding his face in pain but made him more pissed. He got up only to get a Running Knee Strike but he caught it and flipped him before Headbutting him in the face and then used the ropes for a Spear and went for the pin but the Brawler kicked out.
"Match Highlights"
The two we're engaging in a punch off, trading blows but got a Irish Whip from the Brawler as he used his leg to trip the All Mighty before kicking him in the chest and then grabbed the All Mighty for a Game Changer and went for the pin but kicked out. The Brawler threw the big man to the turnbuckle and proceeded to hit him in the mid section with his shoulder but he dodged it and the Brawler hit the turnbuckle and was grabbed by Lashley for a Powerslam then for a Vertical Suplex and went for the pin but the Brawler kicked out shocking everyone even the All Mighty.
"At the girls side"
Io: Wow, that was unbelievable.
Kairi: With all that he could've lost but he managed to survive.
The Empress was shocked after all the Brawler went threw.
"Bact at the arena"
"End of the match"
They we're exhausted and Lashley wanted to nail the coffin with a final Vertical Suplex but the Brawler escaped and then did a Cross Kick to the back of the head causing the All Mighty to stumble on his knees and then used the ropes for a Running Knee nailing the big man down, then grabbing his arm for a Pit of Belgrade to which the Brawler tapped out.
Dario: He did it.
Luka: A hard hitting guy that deserves to win.
"At the girls side"
All three girls got up and jumped with joy hugging each other as they we're happy for their friends victory and Asuka was extremely happy for her man.
The Brawler was all bruised but didn't care as he won his gruelling match.
Dario: Dude, congrats you might've done a better job than me by nailing Corbin down.
Luka: Easily a five star match.
Rade: Ah shucks, thanks for the compliments, društvo. (gang, group, friends)
The other matches.
Ali vs Ricochet.
The incredible athletes have showed their feet of strength and phenomenal speed. Countering every moves. But in the end Ricochet ended with 630 and won the US title for a second time.
Next was the 40 men Battle Royal that all mid card superstars, jobbers, and tag teams are participants even the IC champion Shinsuke Nakamura.
"30 minutes later"
There we're two men left, Matt Hardy and Cesaro. The two engaged in a brawl where it would lasted 4 minutes but in the end Cesaro did Gotch Neutralizer before eliminating the knew half of the Hardy's, The Swiss Cyborg was on his knees and wanted this kind of victory and the Deleter has gone haywire from a huge loss.
Luka Gabriel Vs Chad Gable.
Luka was familiar with Chad's Inring capability and played viper with him, Chad was able to get a lot of damage to the Departing Sanity but it wasn't enough to keep him down. The short superstar grabbed him for a German Suplex that was almost a two count and then grabbed his ankle for a Ankle Lock that the Croatian superstar was yelling with agony but somehow reversed things with a roll up count and it was successfully as the European superstar grabbed his WWE title and left the arena with a glee and laughing at Gable that it was his time but it wasn't.
Seth Rollins Vs Aleister Black.
Seth's greatest challenge has happened, facing the Dutch Destroyer, the Root of a all Evil, Aleister Black. The two had a fantastic showdown countering moves and etc. Leinster looked forward to end it all with Black Mass, but the Architect dodged it and did a Superkick to the gut and he stumbled and the Beast Slayer did a Curb Stomo for the win.
"At the airport"
The three Balkan superstars we're calling their girls while waiting for their flight.
Kairi: Honey, I'm so proud of you and so is baby Alexander.
Dario: Tell him that daddy is coming.
Io: Nice job retaining baby, a good fight.
Luka: After I return, ready for action?
She knew what he meant.
Asuka: But I think that Rade vs Lashley was the best match.
Rade: Gee babe, you don't have to run it in, I've done it and I won, but it won't be the end.
Asuka: I hope not, anyways I'll be waiting for you.
Both: So are we.
Dario: Okay, we'll see each other again soon. Bye.
He hung up, and then went to their flight back home.
OK guys, this was chapter 11 and I'm updating tomorrow.
Peace out!

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