Chapter 1

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My name is Rebecca Greene, but I prefer Becca instead. I'm pretty normal...I guess. If you call strict rules and overprotective parents normal, then that's your opinion. My parents are wayyy to overprotective. They're constantly checking on me, and I feel like I'm being fucking stalked. I'm only 15, which means I have to survive 3 more years before I can leave this hellhole. Anyways, I only have 3 friends, Ryan Butler. Chaz Somers, and Justin Bieber. They're all boys, which I first thought would be a nightmare, but it turns out they're what keeps me going. They're my only friends. I'm basically a nobody, except to them. Out of all 3 of them, I'm closest to Justin. Justin and I fit together like a puzzle piece. We've known each other since we were 6 years old. I remember the first day I met Justin Bieber.
It was a cloudy, summer day and hot outside today. I wasn't feeling well. I had a cold. It's sort of ironic, because it's summer.
"We're going to have visitors this morning. My friend, Pattie, from work and her son are coming over"
My mom was cleaning constantly around the house.
"I don't care, mom"
I was feeling miserable that morning. I heard the doorbell ring, then covered myself with the purple butterfly blanket. I was 6 years old, of course. I heard my mom talking to someone at the door.
"This is my daughter, Rebecca. She's not feeling well today. Poor thing"
My mom just had to use my real name. I've always preferred Becca. I pulled the blanket down to see a lady with long, dark brown hair.
"Hi sweetie, I'm Pattie. This is my son, Justin"
She motioned to a boy wearing a black sweatshirt. The first thing I noticed were his brown eyes. They got my attention in a heartbeat. He gave me a friendly grin, and I smiled back shyly.
"Why don't you two get to know each other while we go talk"
My mom motioned Pattie to follow her into the dining room. Justin's smile never disappeared.
"Are you sick?"
He asked.
I spoke bashfully.
"I don't mind. I like you"
He smiled.
I hid my face underneath the blanket again.
"Yea, you seem fun...and pretty"
He sat on the floor.
"Thank you"
I giggled shyly.
"You wanna play a game?"
He looked at me curiously.
"Sure. What game?"
I smiled with interest.
"It's called What Am I Thinking Of?"
He answered.
"Oh, I know how to play this"
I learned this game at school. It's easy. You just have to guess what the other person is thinking.
"Cool. You go first"
Justin smiled amusingly at me.
"Ok, I'm thinking of a fruit"
I started off.
"Does is grow on trees?"
Justin asked.
I smiled.
" it an apple?"
He guessed.
"Yea, how come you guessed it so quick?"
I smiled at him.
"I'm good at this game"
He shrugged.
"Fine. Your turn now"
I said.
"Ok, I'm thinking of a person"
Justin began.
"Girl or boy?"
I asked.
He replied.
"Does she have brown hair?"
I asked again.
He nodded.
"Is she your mom?"
I guessed.
"No way"
Justin shook his head exaggeratedly.
"Is it my mom?"
I guessed again.
"No, silly. It's you"
He blurted out.
A smile grew on my face.
He smiled sheepishly. It made me giggle.
"Ok you two. Pattie and Justin need to be going now"
With that said, Justin stood up. He didn't look to happy to go.
"Mom, can we come back again?"
Justin looked up at his mom.
"Sure, honey...Aw, he made a new friend"
Pattie nudged my mom.
"Yay! I hope you feel better, Becca"
How did he know to call me Becca? I don't know, but I don't care, because after that day, Justin and I saw each other almost everyday.
-end of flashback-
Justin doesn't live far, so we would visit each other. We still do. I met Chaz and Ryan through Justin. They would hang out with him a lot, and soon enough, I joined their group. Now, we're all best friends. Over the years, I guess I developed a crush on Justin. He's just so sweet and loving. Not to mention, he's so cute. His hair is perfect, and his eyes still blow me away every time. There's something about his eyes that makes me fall in love with him. Sometimes, I sneak a glance at his lips. I would do anything to kiss them. He kisses my cheek sometimes, and it's the best feeling ever. And sometimes, I catch him looking at my lips. Could he be thinking the same thing? Oh, and his voice...Holy shit, it's amazing. He's always told me he wants to sing. I've even helped him by playing the piano for him or recording him on video. We post videos on Youtube, and it's pretty cool. Moving on, right now I'm in my room trying to decide between a black shirt or a white shirt. Justin, Ryan, Chaz, and I are going for breakfast at McDonald's.
"I'm back"
Justin barged in my room without knocking. He does that every time now.
I smiled at him bouncing on my bed.
"What are you doing, girl?"
He studied my actions.
"Trying to pick out what to wear"
I kept my eyes on both shirts.
"Black, it brings out your eyes"
He insisted.
I smiled. Justin and I are so close that he doesn't mind if I change in front of him. I mean, I don't take my bra or panties off. I keep those on. I only take off my shorts or shirt in front of him.
"You ready?"
I walked to my door.
"I need a hug first"
Justin stood up with his arms spread apart. I smiled and ran into his arms, and he enveloped me.
"Mm...I missed you"
He whispered.
"You saw me last night"
I giggled and pulled away, remembering our trip to the park yesterday. I don't go into detail. When we walked outside, Ryan and Chaz were talking.
"Hey Becca"
They both greeted me with a hug. My mom trusts mainly Justin, so she allows me to leave, but only before 9:30pm. I guess she thinks Justin'll protect me. When we arrived at McDonald's, Chaz ordered for us.
"You guys wanna spend the night?"
Justin sat beside me.
I was the first to answer.
"Sounds cool"
Ryan nodded.
"I can"
Chaz grinned.
"Sweet, you guys can come over whenever"
Justin looked at me. I smiled shyly.
"School starts in 3 days, ugh"
Ryan groaned.
"You know what that means"
Chaz had a smirk.
"We need to make this the best sleepover ever"
I cheered.
Chaz gave me a high five. I noticed Justin studying our actions. What is he thinking? On the way back to my house, we talked about how much we hated school. Justin and I went to find my mom, so we could ask her if I could spend the night at Justin's. He knows how overprotective my parents are. My dad is at work. He doesn't like Justin at all. I never knew why. My mom doesn't mind Justin, but she thinks I shouldn't spend so much time with him.
"Mom, can I spend the night at Justin's?"
Justin and I walked up to my mom.
"Sure, but be back before 9:30pm"
She answered.
Justin and I said at the same time.
"You two have fun"
She smiled as we practically ran out the door.
"Let's go"
We all made our way to Justin's house. We greeted Ms. Bieber on our way in and went upstairs to Justin's room. His room was a dark gray and had a wooden floor. Everything was either black, white, or red in his room. It smelled like marshmallows and cologne, the way Justin smelled.
"Wanna sneak out tonight?"
Justin smirked. Sneaking out became our thing since we were 12. It was all Justin's idea. It's against the rules of all our parents, but that's what makes it exciting.
We all agreed.
"In the meantime, truth or dare?"
Justin asked Ryan.
"I ain't picking dare with you, man. I pick truth"
We all knew that Justin's dares were wayy too much. I mean, they're almost scary.
"Ok, have you ever tried masturbating?"
Ok, maybe Justin's truths were bad, but not as bad as his dares.
"To be honest....yes"
Ryan admitted. We all giggled then it was Ryan's turn.
"Ok, Chaz, truth or dare?"
Ryan looked at Chaz.
Chaz picked.
"I dare you to egg Justin's mom's car"
Ryan grinned.
We all followed Chaz into the kitchen for him to get a pack of eggs. Chaz started pelting Pattie's car until the pack was empty.
"She's gonna be pissed, bro"
Justin smiled while shaking his head, making his hair sway. You should see his hair flip. It nearly breathtaking.
"Just act like you have no idea what happened"
Ryan said as we reentered Justin's room.
"Ok, Justin, truth or dare?"
Chaz asked.
Justin chose.
"I dare you to strip to your underwear for the rest of the day"
Chaz dared him.
Justin will literally do anything and wouldn't give a damn about it. I like that about him. Justin took off all his clothes except his boxers. He did look hot.
"There. Ok, Becca, truth or dare?"
He caught me looking then widened his grin.
I can't believe I said that. They all looked at me like I was crazy, except Justin.
"Ooh, ok. I dare you to..."
Oh no, he has that look in his eyes. He stood up and we followed him downstairs again. He took out the blender then added pickles, milk, soy sauce, mustard, and about half a cup of salt.
"...Drink all of this"
He smirked.
I studied the drink.
"You're not really gonna drink that, are you?"
Ryan smiled.
"Of course I am"
I flicked my eyebrows at Justin. He kept grinning at me. I scrunched my nose at the smell.
"Fuck it"
I sighed then gulped it down. The guys were cracking up, then I felt my stomach leap.
I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. When I finished, they provided me with a towel.
"Not many people pick my dares"
He handed me some water.
"I can see why"
I smiled, making him chuckle.
"What are you guys doing now?"
Justin's mom walked in.
"Playing truth or dare"
Ryan answered shyly.
"Did Becca just throw up? Justin, why are you in your underwear?"
She looked at us like we were psychos.
"Don't worry. We're fine, mom"
Justin grinned.
"I better not find you guys doing something reckless"
Pattie warned.
"Yes ma'am"
We went back upstairs.
"Let's take a break"
Justin was still in his boxers.
"School is gonna su-uck"
Chaz laid on Justin's bed.
"I know"
I sighed.
"It's so stressful"
Ryan added.
"Let's not talk about this. Wanna play Xbox?"
Justin suggested.
I agreed. They already taught me how to play. Justin and I sat next to each other and started playing...
"I won!"
I cheered.
"Dude, you got your ass kicked by a girl"
Chaz chuckled.
Justin and I got up for them to play.
"You're getting good at that"
Justin sat beside me on his bed.
I blushed mainly because Justin complemented me, and because Justin was still half naked.
"You blush at the littlest things"
He pointed out.
I blushed again in a question.
"Don't be. I like it"
He poked my cheek.
"Hey, cut it out"
I swatted his hand away.
"You cut it out"
He swatted back. Soon enough, we started girl fighting.
"Guys, quit it. I'm hungry"
Ryan and Chaz complained.
"Ok, let's order pizza"
Justin stood up.

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