If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 15

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"One more ceremony left."
"Yes. And then I'll be throwing you into the abyss." Gilbert undid his hair.
"I know. And I'm fine with it."
"Vince, there's no possible way I can pull you out."
"I know that. I always knew. I just wanted you to be happy and think there was a way."
"I'm glad you're willing to go in. It will make this a lot easier."
"It will be easy for you to kill me?" Vincent stepped back from Gilbert.
"I thought about it. I figure it will be easier than I thought. I will be sad, but I know I can do it. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I know you have to do this and I'm glad it will be easy for you. Even if it means forgetting me."
"I can never forget you, Vincent. Trust me."
"That's all I ask of you."
"Vincent, we need to do some fun things before you go."
"What would that be?"
"We'll do everything you've ever wanted and I won't say a word no matter how much I dislike it."
"I don't think you would make it through all the stuff I want to do. And if you do make it, you might wish you didn't."
"Everything is that bad?"
"You may have a miniature Gilbert running around by the time we finish."
Gilbert shook his head. "Maybe not everything. You should start making a list of things to do. But don't write down anything too dangerous."
"Is nii-san worried something might happen to him?"
"Something could happen to you, too."
"What does it matter if I'm going to die anyways?"
"Don't talk like that! You still have time to live. I'm not letting you go before then."
Vincent sighed then smiled. "You are still too nice for your own good. Don't let that effect you too much."
"I know. And I can promise you I won't let that effect me."
"I'll make sure it doesn't. I'll make you hate me if I must."
"You don't have to do that. I'd prefer it if you didn't."
"I won't do it unless I absolutely have to. I will do anything you need me to."
"I know that. You constantly tell me."
"I only say it because I mean it. Now let's sneak out and have some fun. If you still know how to have fun, that is."
"I still know how to have fun. I just don't have it very often."
"Which is why we'll be gone for quite a few days. I'll see if I can remove the stick from your ass."
"Very funny. Just get going before it's light out and people see us."
"Whatever you say." Vincent laughed as Gilbert carefully led them out.
"Where are we going first?"
"Just to get you something to drink so you'll loosen up."

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now