If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 12

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The third ceremony was just a week away. By this time, it seemed Gilbert was almost fine with sending Vincent to the abyss and Vincent was perfectly fine with going in. Gilbert had stopped sticking to Vincent and returned to being with Oswald most of the time due to his weakening. The only free time he spent with Vincent was mostly practice with sword fighting. It was now the only thing he practiced.

"You lose, nii-san."
Gilbert moved Vincent's sword and stood.
"You are too good at that."
"It's only because of you."
"I'm glad I convinced everyone out of locking you away. You don't deserve that."
"I'm not going to run. It's kind of pointless to lock me up."
"And you'll get out, anyways."
"I think you should be the one locked up."
"I haven't tried running away since I was fifteen."
"I know. But there's always a chance."
"I'm not going to run."
"I know. You're too nice to run away."
"Yeah. I guess I am."
"But you need to be less nice if you ever want to beat me."
Vincent attempted smacking the sword away from Gilbert, but Gilbert stopped him.
"I've beaten you before. I just need to beat you more."
Gilbert smacked the sword away from him and continued the fight.
"Are you nervous about next week?"
"Not in the least. I'm used to it, now."
"What about the very last ceremony?
Gilbert flinched a bit and accidentally cut Vincent's arm.
"Sorry about that. I'm still trying to prepare for it."
"Remember that I am ready to do it."
"I know that."
Gilbert knocked the sword from Vincent's hand.
"And I'm really glad you accept it. But never forget that promise. I'm not letting you die in the abyss."
"Thanks, nii-san. You're a great brother."
Vincent hugged Gilbert.
"If only I could be better."

The next week at the ceremony, Gilbert was trying to find someone who knew something about the abyss. No one had been to the abyss, had someone they knew fall into the abyss, or have ever tried opening the abyss.

"Did you find anything out?"
"No. Sadly, I didn't."
"It's okay, Gil. I said I'd go. I won't be upset if you send me away."
"I'm not getting rid of you, Vince. I'll find a way to stop this. Or at least get you out."
"Thank you."
Oswald approached the two. "It's time."
Gilbert nodded and followed Oswald. Oswald once again cut himself and let his blood fall into a chalice.
"The name of the next chain you will take is called Dodo."
Gilbert drank the blood and choked a bit. He just shut his eyes and ignored what was being said until Oswald said everything was finished.
"Gilbert, are you all right? You've been distant all-day."
"Yeah. I'm just a bit tired." Gilbert started fixing a bandage. "I've been doing a lot of sword fighting lately."
"You really should take a few breaks so you don't overwork yourself. You've been distant a lot."
Gilbert finished with the bandage. "I know. I've just been thinking a lot."
"There's no possible way to get Vincent out of the abyss."
"That's not it. I'm just thinking about coping with it." Gilbert sighed and started walking away. "I won't be running away anytime soon, if that's what you're worried about."
"Alright. I believe you."
Gilbert continued walking and was sucked into a pile of girls before he could leave. Vincent smiled as he tried to save Gilbert

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now