If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 4

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"I heard all about it you know. About how that big brother of yours is gonna get killed by Glen."

These words wouldn't stop running through Vincent's head. He was sitting in his room and shaking on his bed.

"It can't be true. Glen-sama would never do that. He likes nii-san. He'd never kill him. Alice is lying again."

"Vincent! Vincent!" Gilbert runs in. "Vince, are you still in here?"

Vincent crawls under the  covers.

"Vince, are you okay?"


Gilbert walks to the bed and lifts the blanket.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you."

Vincent grabs the blanket and covers himself. Gilbert tries pulling them down, but Vincent clings to them.

"Vince, get out from the covers. You need to leave your room. Don't you want to play?"

Vincent sniffles and crawls out.

"I only want to play with you. No Glen-sama or Jack."

Gilbert nods.


"Nii-san, when is your ceremony?"

"It's in two days. Why?"

"I'm just wondering."


Vincent didn't manage to get any sleep during the two nights before the ceremony.

"G-glen-sama. I'm still a bit nervous." Gilbert stuttered out.

Oswald looked down.

"It's alright. Things will be over before you know it."

"Nii-san, do you have to do this?"

"Yes. Of course I do." Gilbert forced his stuttering away.

"Glen-sama, are you sure about this?"

Vincent looked up in hopes the answer would be a no. He grabbed Gilbert's arm when Oswald looked down.

"I'm sure about this. Gilbert is the only one fit for this right now."

Vincent sighed sadly and released Gilbert's arm.

"Good luck, nii-san."

Vincent hugged him and slowly walked away.

"Glen-sama, when will we be starting?"

"We don't have too much longer. Only a few more people need to arrive."

"Alright." He let his voice go back to shaky.

"Everything will be fine. It's time to begin."

Gilbert followed Oswald to middle of the room. His breathing stopped when Raven appeared in front of him.

"The first chain to be transferred into you will is called Raven. You will be bound by your left hand."

Gilbert closed his eyes and bit his lips when he felt chains wrap around him.


Vincent was grabbed and had his mouth covered. He watched in fear as his brother fell to his knees.

"It's finished Gilbert."

Gilbert nodded and let Oswald help him up.

"It didn't hurt at all. My hand is just a bit sore."

"I said you would be alright."

Vincent was released and ran to Gilbert.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He hugged Gilbert. "I thought you would be hurt."

"I'm fine. I won't be hurt."

Vincent glares up at Oswald.

"Your brother will not be hurt. I promise you that."

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now