If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 7

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It had been months since Gilbert had found out about what he had to do to Vincent and he was still avoiding Oswald. He was under constant surveillance from running away so many times.

"I see Gilbert is still avoiding you."
"I should have known he was too young to learn about this." Oswald sighed. "This is why they weren't allowed to see Lacie sent to the abyss. I honestly thought he would handle it like Lacie and I did. We just accepted it."
"Do you think he told Vincent about this?"
"He didn't. He said he wanted Vincent to be as happy as possible."
Gilbert ran up to Jack and stood away from Oswald.
"Jack, if I can use chains to send people to the abyss, can I use chains to get people out of the abyss?"
"Yeah. I heard you could do that. You ju have to-"
Oswald flicks Jack on the back of the head.
"I'm not entirely sure. It never worked before."
"Thanks, Jack."
Gilbert ran off.
"Why did you tell him that?"
Oswald smacked Jack on the back of the head.
"Ow. What was wrong with telling him?"
"How stupid are you? He's going to try to open the abyss after he sends Vincent in. That could cause a huge disaster and throw everything into chaos."
"I'm sure he'll forget about it in a month or two."
"I'm sure he won't."
"Uh... Glen."
"Where did Gilbert run off to?"
"I'll be right back."
Oswald ran off, bringing some others with him.
Gilbert was sitting in his bedroom.
"How do I open the abyss? Will I able to open the abyss? Will I be able to find Vincent once I open it?"
Gilbert had a map of all the doors and lots of paper around him.
"The ceremonies start there, then go there, then there, then there, and finally here. I'll have to be here. But what all will I have to do to get him out? I wonder if I could practice opening the portal with Raven."
Gilbert was going to try releasing Raven when there was a knock at the door and Gilbert quickly hid everything and laid down. Oswald opened the door, but didn't come in.
"What could you possibly want?"
"I need to talk to you. And don't try running. I have guards outside the windows, outside the door, and even in the basement in case there are any holes in the floor."
"Just don't come in."
"I'm sorry about what you have to do. I know it's terrible. I almost couldn't do it to Lacie."
"Yeah." Gilbert turned away. "Almost."
"I thought there were times you wished Vincent didn't exist."
Gilbert sat up and threw a pillow at Oswald.
"You don't know what you're talking about. I didn't wish that. I only thought about it. Vincent was all I had and I was the only one he had. I never wished he didn't exist. I only thought it."
Oswald walked in and sat by Gilbert.
"What I have to do doesn't even make sense." Gilbert curled up. "Shouldn't it be fine after one person is in there?"
"I'm afraid it isn't."
"Explain to me why exactly I have to do this."
"Children with red eyes supposedly disturb the peace of the abyss."
"Then why would you throw them in? Shouldn't that disturb it more?"
Oswald had no reply.
"That's exactly what I thought." Gilbert huffed. "I'm not throwing him in."
"You'll have to. It's required by all Glens."
Gilbert crossed his arms.
"It's a stupid requirement."
"I know how you feel."
"Was this the reason Vincent and I were sent away on the night of your last accession ceremony? So we wouldn't see what would happen?"
"Yes. It is. I should have known it was too early to tell you. I thought you would take better like Lacie and I did."
"What made you stay after you found out?"
"The fact we had somewhere to live. And Lacie seemed fine with it for some strange reason. Almost like she looked forward to it."
"I don't want Vincent to know for a long time. At least wait until after the second ceremony."
"I'll make sure." Oswald stood. "But the ceremonies come faster than you think."
When Oswald started walking out of the room, Gilbert ran up to him and grabbed his shirt.
"I'm not mad at you anymore."
"That's good."
"And I'm sorry I was mad."
"It's fine. I understand why you were upset. But apologizing won't get these guards off your back."
"Why not?"
"We need to make sure you don't run again."
"Fine." Gilbert mumbled something after that.
"What was that?"
"I want to learn how to control Raven!"
"Alright. We can do that tomorrow."
"Thank you." Gilbert sighed in relief.
Gilbert removed his hand and Oswald left the room. Gilbert quickly shut the door.
"I will make sure I get Vincent out. I can't lose him. I won't lose him."

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now