If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 9

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Vincent was helping Gilbert get ready for the night of his second accession ceremony.
"Which one are you receiving tonight?"
"I get the owl tonight. Ow. Too tight."
Vincent loosened the belt.
"Do you think you'll be okay?"
"If I was fine when I was nine, I'll be fine now."
"I'm glad you aren't nervous."
"Actually, I am a bit nervous about tonight. I have to drink Glen-sama's blood this time."
"That's how the chain will be transferred this time." Gilbert sighs. "I'm going to learn the proper way to open the abyss after this."
"I thought you already did that."
"It was by mistake and I did it very wrong. It was a small hole that almost pulled me in."
"Oh. Now I remember. That was the day you burned down half the garden."
Gilbert remembered back to that.

"Just don't let the fire get out of control."
"Are you sure I can do this?"
Small flames grow fast.
"Is this right?"
A small portal starts opening.
"Gilbert, put Raven away."
"I can't. The pull is too strong."
The flames went straight in the air and flew out. Oswald put out a small flame on Gilbert's head.
"Gilbert? Are you okay?"
"I can wait to learn how to open the portals now."

Gilbert shivered at the memory.
"I lit my hair on fire, too."
"How do you manage that?"
"It was bad."
Vincent laughs a bit.
"Maybe I'll light your hair on fire, next time."
"Nii-san is mean."
"I'm not being mean."
"Yes. I know you would never hurt me."
Gilbert frowned, remembering what he would be telling him after the ceremony. Vincent was smiling as he finished Gilbert's hair.
"Thank you. I'm not looking forward to this."
"Why? It's going to be quick and painless like before."
"I know it will be."
"Are you nervous about learning how to open the portals? You shouldn't be. I know you can do it."
"That's not it. I-"
A person walks in.
"Gilbert, it's time to get going."
"Alright." Gilbert sighs. "I'm coming."
"Good luck, Gil. I'll be watching you."
Gilbert smiled at Vincent and left the room. He made sure he walked as slow as he possibly could to the room where the ceremony was going to be held. Oswald walked up to him the moment he came in.
"Where have you been?"
"Vincent was helping me get ready. Someone came to get me only ten minutes ago." He bit his lip. "It wasn't my fault I was late."
"Gilbert, it takes three minutes to get here. What's wrong? I thought you were excited about learning to open a portal."
"Because tomorrow I'm going to tell Vincent what will be happening."
"Then put it off. Wait until the next ceremony."
"No. He needs to learn now. I'm not going to hide this from him."
Gilbert looks towards a door to run out. Every entrance there was blocked by guards or locked tightly.
"I knew you would try to run again. Try relaxing and you'll be fine. It's time to start."
Gilbert nodded weakly as Oswald pulled him to the middle of the room.
"Today, I will be passing a second chain onto you. That name of the chain is Owl."
Oswald cut his arm and let himself bleed into a chalice. He gave it to Gilbert.
"Drink it."
Gilbert hesitantly drank it. He almost coughed it back up. Almost.
"I will now transfer the chain over to you."
Gilbert looked around for Vincent. When he saw Vincent smiling, he closed his eyes. When the ceremony was over, he quickly ran to Vincent.
"Vince, I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Before I say anything, promise me you won't get too upset."
"I promise."
Gilbert took a deep breath.

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now