Chapter 21: What Do We Do If We Have To Pee?

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A/N: AW MA GAWD YOU GUYS. I am so so so so so so sorry that I haven’t updated in over 3 months. I have been seriously been so busy with studying for fall exams and volleyball practice and games, but now volleyball is going to be over soon and hopefully I will be able to update more frequently. I apologize if this chapter sucks, I’m just getting back into the swing of things, so bear with me!



Lacey’s POV

I sat nervously in the classroom bouncing my leg. We were getting our fall exams back today and I was extremely anxious to see what I got. I had been really exhausted these past few months between studying and looking and applying for colleges, it doesn’t sound like a lot, but god was I tired. I had my fingers crossed under my desk as the teacher began walking around the room, passing out our graded tests. He slid my paper onto my desk and gave me a reassuring smile before continuing to walk around the room. I bit my lip and flipped the test over to see a perfect 90. I let out a breath and grinned like the Cheshire cat.

The teacher went up to the front of the room and smiled at all of us. “A majority of you guys did great on this test, there were of course a few of you that didn’t do so well, but the majority did very well. Now get out of my classroom and go have some fun, it’s Halloween!” I grinned and got out of my seat, and headed for the door. This was our last class so we were successfully out of school for the weekend. I headed out into the hallway to my locker to get my things. Ella popped up next to me and began walking with me. “What’s got you so happy?” I asked, even though I was smiling myself. “I passed all my tests!” She exclaimed and laughed. I grinned too, I loved seeing my friends happy.

As I got nearer to my locker, I was met with all the boys and Lia. “Thank god you finally got here, I don’t think I good handle being with them for another second.” Lia groaned and covered her face. “Why, what were they talking about?” I asked and chuckled. “Things that will scar me forever.” She answered as her face turned crimson. I laughed and spun the combination to my locker, opening it. “Hey babe.” I felt a  hand at my waist and lips at my temple. “Hi.” I answered, burrowing my face in his chest. “Are you alright?” He murmured into my hair. “Never been better.” I said, looking up and grinning at him. “Okay! All of you need to separate, you guys are making me nauseous.” Kayden said, making a gagging face. “I doubt that’s what you’d be saying if Erin were here.” Ella said smirking, referring to the waitress we had a few weeks ago.

Kayden’s face turned red and he coughed, looking away. “Well, you better thank me now because I just got us into the most exclusive party tonight!” Kayden exclaimed. “Yay, another party.” Lia groaned. “Not just a party, a Halloween party.” Kayden said, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

~             *             ~             *             ~

“No, Ella! I am not going to be a cat, I would practically be the queen of hoes!” I shrieked as we walked around the Halloween store, looking for costumes. “Here, you wear this.” I said, handing a costume to Ella. “You wear this.” I said handing a costume to Lia. “And here.” I muttered, pulling a costume out for myself. “We’re going to look great.” Ella shrieked and ran to the cashier.

~             *             ~             *             ~

After we finally got dressed and did our makeup, I’ll admit, we looked great. Ella was Cat Woman, Lia was Wonder Woman, and I was dressed as Black Widow. “We look hot!” Lia exclaimed and I laughed. I felt a teeny bit awkward considering I was in a tight leather suit, but I assumed that I would get over it. “Guys,” Ella started in all seriousness, “What do we do if we have to pee?” Ella asked and looked down to examine her one piece leather costume. My eyes widened as I realized what she asked. “Uh, that’s a good question, I’ll guess we’ll figure it out when it happens.

“Guys, I have to pee.”

~             *             ~             *             ~

Turns out, our costumes were pretty perfect, because when we met the boys and Erin at the party, they were all dressed as superheroes too. Yes, we were that douche-y group of people dressed as superheroes, get over it. Cole was Captain America, Axel was Batman, Casper was Superman, and Kayden was Iron Man, while Erin was Spiderwoman. I swear we didn’t do this on purpose. “Well this is awkward.” Ella said and smiled as Axel slung an arm around her.

“Let’s head in.” Cole said, grabbing my hand as we all started walking to the house.

Party Time.


A/N: So, this chapter isn’t too great but yeah. The next chapter will be of the actual Halloween party, and yes, I know that Halloween is over. Thank you for that.

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Pic of Lacey’s costume over to the side à


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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