Not Everyone Changes

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Months of work finally led to this day. A meeting had been called with the Isle Relations and Affairs and the King. They were to finalize the list of those coming to Auradon on a sort of probation. It is a three-strike system that rewards good behavior with leniency and bad behavior with potentially being sent back to the isle. Good deeds removed strikes and bad deeds added strikes. The system was only a prototype based on already existing systems, but it would be adjusted as needed. The main priority for this meeting was to determine who officially would be coming to Auradon. This included people like Harriot Hook, Freddie, Diego De Vil, and many more. All of which seemed deserving based on Uma's profile work. It wasn't until the very end that Uma hesitated with the last name.

"The last VK is... Son of Yzma, Zev-"Uma started knowing this wouldn't go over well. She was cut off by Carlos.

"Absolutely not. Zevon is an evil mastermind. We can not trust him to come to Auradon. Period." Carlos' immediate anger made Ben and Mal surprised. Carlos being typically well mannered if not goofy, but this was out of left field.

"His file does look a little spotted Uma..." Ben tried to be supportive but constructive.

"Rumor and evidence from the isle say Zevon is trying to be good already. If we can all change, so can he. Maybe it took seeing someone like Audrey go evil for him to realize that he could be good." Uma standing firm with her decision, looking to Mal for support. Carlos was also looking at her expectantly. Mal sighed heavily scrunching up her nose in annoyance.

"I gotta side with Uma on this one Carlos. I think you are letting the past cloud your judgment on this one." She and Uma shared a loving and comforting look, but Ben was confused.

"Past? Zevon and Carlos have a past?" Ben looked to Carlos expecting an explanation, but his lover's usually soft expression was replaced with something hard and unlike him. Mal went to start to explain but Carlos glared at her.

"Don't. It doesn't matter. I'm not clouded by the past, I know Zevon better than anyone... except "His voice a grumble, "Maybe Harry... But regardless he isn't coming, and I won't approve it." Carlos was standing firm and very angrily now.

"Look, Carlos, I know you and Zevon were rivals and him stealing Harry from you on the isle wasn't making things better but just because you two don't gel doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve the chance you got here. That we all got here. You of all people know how smart Zevon can be." Uma filled in some blanks for Ben at the same time making a fair point against the very angered Carlos.

"EXACTLY!" Carlos yelled now, shocking everyone frankly, "Zevon is a genius, the only person who could go toe to toe with me in Weird Science. He is a mastermind and if I know him, he started these rumors just to come over and try something." He was completely snapped.

"Carlos!" Ben snapped commandingly, making Carlos sit back down sulking. "That's enough. I know you two have a history of some sort but as King, I approve. We will keep an eye on him. We can't let our feelings get in the way of people's lives." He was being kingly as ever and it only made Carlos' face go red with anger and he really liked it when he acted all kingly. Defeatedly, Carlos nodded reluctantly, and Ben sighed. "Zevon stays on the list."

"You're going to regret it." Was all Carlos said before the meeting was ended. Carlos quickly stepped out leaving Ben behind. He went to his off and leaned back against the door after it was closed shaking his head. "They don't get it..." He mumbled to himself feeling frustration tears forming before he felt a knock at his back.

"Pup? Can we talk? Please?" Ben was obviously worried about him. Carlos turned and opened the door, hugging Ben quickly and pulling him inside. The two stood hugging for a long moment in the middle of the room. Carlos didn't want to talk about it but he knew Ben needed to know.

"Being smart on the isle was the only thing that protected me at times and you know I can be pretty smart..." Carlos started, Ben was playing with his hair smiling.

"You're a genius Carlos, not just smart," Ben added quickly, making his love blush a little bit.

"Yeah well, Zevon is the only one I would say who could be considered smarter than me. He was always coming up with elaborate and scary schemes and potions. We always butted heads because he didn't like how direct my approaches always were and I didn't like how cruel his ideas were. He even started flirting with Harry after he found out we were together. He broke us up, and I know it was just to spite me. He and I are not just rivals. He is evil as it gets, eviler than even Mal used to be and I don't think he would just change. " Carlos took a deep breath of Ben's cologne and sighed. "I know you want to see the best in people all the time, but I really think this is a bad idea..." He looked up into Ben's eyes with such intensity the King frowned.

"The decision has been made Pup... But if you feel so strongly about him, I'll make sure we set up clear protections and surveillance on him. If you don't trust him, I won't either okay?" Ben was trying his best to calm Carlos' worry, but he was beyond comfort. That's when Carlos decided if Zevon was coming, he would keep an eye on him personally, somehow.

"Alright... Just promise me, he won't get between us somehow. I really couldn't handle losing you my king." Carlos couldn't hide the worry in his voice. Ben smiled one of his most magical and handsome smiles. "I promise Pup. I couldn't handle losing you either. Ben and Carlos shared a kiss, the only thing that calmed Carlos' nerves in the slightest was that pale heat Ben still made him feel since the beginning.

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