66 | The Question

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A/N: Based of steven univerese, the episode where Ruby runs away

Warning: Swearing

A familar figure came straggling through the door, the body was familiar to everyone in the room. In the light everyone could clearly see his blonde hair and blue eyes. Bucky dropped the book he was reading. "Steve?" he said in shock. It was indeed the former Captain America, alive and healthy. "Bucky...Sam..." he turned to Wanda and Clint who were in the room "guys, I can explain."

Bucky's face turned red out of anger, Steve had lied. He had lied to all of them saying that he had moved on from being the strong-America's Ass-Steve Rogers. Most importantly, he had lied to Sam. "Where have you been?!" he cried, Sam stood up to try hold Bucky back from hitting him or doing something "YOU LEFT US HERE TO DEAL WITH THIS SHIT!" Bucky screamed at his so called 'best friend'. 

"YOU LEFT SAM, SHARON AND I TO DEAL WITH STUPID POLITICS! THEY WON'T LET SAM BE CAPTAIN AMERICA. IF YOU WERE ALIVE, WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP US? WHY DID YOU LEAVE US?" he screamed, tears bubbling in his eyes, Steve shocked at the reaction, but also trying to calm things down.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME? YOU TOLD ME IT WAS UNTIL THE END OF THE LINE, STEVE. WHY?!" Bucky screamed, the sentence had the house in silence, hiis breath was shaking as Sam took Bucky's hand in his own. Steve took one step towards him. "I'm sorry," Steve finally spoke, looking at this new fresh Bucky. 

"Steve, I think you should go outside whilst we work things out," Sam told him. Steve obliged and waited outside on the porch, Sam turned to Bucky who was crying. "Shh," Sam told him as he wrapped him in a hug "I'm here, it's going to be okay."

"I need some time alone," Bucky told the others, they respected his decision and walked over to another room. Bucky paced the floor up and down, how could he have been so stupid? Him and Steve lost each other repeatedly whilst Sam is always loyal and would never leave. Why would he come back now? 

At a time like this where Zemo is alive and running around? Bucky kicked over a chair in anger, Steve hearing it from outside. He grabbed a pen and paper and began to write. He packed his things and sprinted out the door, not even noticing Steve on his way out, he ran into town and began to do his own thing. Steve's abscence brought him and Sam together yet this could also be what breaks them apart.

Sam and the others came back in the living room, Sam looked at the note and his heart broke, he started crying. "Oh, god," Sam sniffled, Steve entering the house. "Don't worry Sam," Wanda reassured him "Clint and I are going to find him, okay?" 

Wanda told him, she turned to Steve and frowned "and you. You are going to stay here with the others. We'll be back!" Wanda and Clint went out the door to find him in the city. "He could be anywhere!" Clint groaned "BUCKY! BUCKY!" Wanda called into the street. Bucky was eating pizza, Peter Parker was there with his friends and he had met Bucky at the funeral. 

"You're going to be okay Mr Barnes," Peter said to Bucky as he played with his food. "BUCKY!" Clint cried from the other end of the store. Bucky looked over and his head hung low in embarassment. "Oh boy..." he mumbles as Wanda and Clint rush up to him. "Sam's really worried!" Wanda told him, Bucky looked up at the mention of Sam's name. "Once they get rid of Rogers, I'm good. I'll come back." Bucky sneered. 

"I'm going to have an emotional journey," Bucky said, exiting the store. Wanda and Clint decided they would help Bucky, they decided to go into the far city. Bucky smiled at the thought of Sam once they got a fire going by the nearby farm. Clint had moved them in his safehouse, Bucky thinking of Wakanda as he was watching the farm. Wanda sits down next to Bucky and turned to him. 

"What are you thinking about?" Wanda asked. "Sam," Bucky smiled, thinking of his boyfriend. He wondered how he was, dealing with Steve. "Are you still angry?" Wanda questioned, Bucky shook his head. "I'm okay now," he says "but, I want to make it up to Sam. I want to make a pact...I..." he bites his lip "I want to marry Sam." Wanda smiled at him, "then ask him," she smiled. Bucky chewed his lip "I want a dramatic-ass entrance." Wanda nods and turns to Clint, "I think I have an idea."

They walked to the house dramatically, Sam ran out of the house to greet Bucky. "Bucky, I'm so sorry...I read your letter I–" Sam got cut off, "I'm my own person now," Bucky said stone-cold, Sam's eyes softened. "W-What?" Sam's voice cracked. "I did some exploring in my...three hours of abscency, I made a decision." Sam's heart almost broke, but it soared once Bucky got on one knee and grabbed his hand.

"Which is why, I must ask. Will you marry me?" Bucky asked, Sam laughed, "marry you?"

"Yeah, this means we can never be apart!"

Sam smiled wider and nodded "of course!" Bucky smiled, grabbed him by the waist and spun him around. Steve looked out from the porch. Things have changed. 

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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