14 | Eleanor: Part 2

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Edit: I found a piece of fanart that matches this oneshot! :)

A/N: Eleanor is now 10 years old, it's her Birthday 👨‍👨‍👧

Warning: Angst

It was the 28th of April, Eleanor's 10th Birthday was today! She woke up and smiled, rushing to get ready for school, she couldn't wait to meet her friends. "Whoa, there!" Sam said as she came running down the stairs, dressed already "honey, eat breakfast first–" Eleanor was way too eager and excited for her special day.  

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I'M DOUBLE DIGITSS!" she cried as she quickly ate toast and grabbed her backpack, "El, slow down!" Bucky said as they raced after her out the door, Sam scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to the house.

"It's 7:05, Eleanor," Sam said as he set her down "school doesn't start until 8:30!" Eleanor pouted and slouched in her chair, she groaned and turned to her father "but Daaaaaaad," she whined to Sam. 

"El, no." he told her strictly "you don't even have your lunch or snacks or your books packed yet, so do that while we make your lunch, okay?" Eleanor nodded and raced upstairs to gather her books.

Bucky sighed and shook his head but smiled all at once. He started slicing up the cucumber and buttering the bread. Sam wrapped his arms around his husbands' waist and rested his head on his shoulder. 

"Morning," Sam smiled, Bucky turned around to face him, "morning," he said with a smile. Bucky blushed as Sam leaned in for the kiss, but Bucky put his face in front of him "Sam...El is right upstairs."

"It's just a kiss," Sam said as he clashed their lips together. Bucky gave in and wrapped his arms around his neck for a moment, Eleanor came down and she giggled. They broke apart and watch their daughter giggle and point at them, Bucky rolled his eyes and picked her up, as they got into the car. 

Eleanor was in the middle of them as they held hands with Sam and Bucky on either side of her, they approached the gates and said their goodbyes. 

The two went home to plan the surprise party with her family and friends, they set up decorations and old Uncle Steve made a cake with icing, and the help of Wanda, too. Everyone was there, presents wrapped and set up. A huge banner ready in the entryway of the house. Bucky gave him a kiss of good-luck before he picked up Eleanor. 

When he got to school, Eleanor was not there, he asked the classmates and teachers and asked the school office. El wasn't in sickbay or did any extra jobs, where could she be? He started looking around with her teacher, Mr Lars and called for her in the playground. He called Bucky, "Buck...I can't find her. I'm searching with her teacher in the playground - we don't know where she is."  

"Alright, I'll tell the others."

"This isn't an Avengers mission, but I think we can handle it. Wait for me, okay?"

"I'll always wait for you, Sam," Bucky said with his voice breaking with worry over the phone. They could feel each other smile gently "we'll find our daughter, I promise." he hung up and they began searching again. They eventually found her, thank God Sam thought, rushing to his daughter and seeing her with a bruise, in a corner hugging her bag and crying. 

"D-Dad..." she said "-they punched me," her lip was trembling as Sam picked her up and stroked her hair "thank you," he whispered to Mr Lars. Mr Lars asked her who punched her and she responded that some older children from the upper grades hit her, Mr Lars said he'll contact the 6th Grader Coordinator. Sam comforted her in the car and kissed her forehead multiple times, they got an icepack from the office and went home with Sam's protective arms around her.

They opened the door to see everyone distressed and they all smiled when they saw her, she ran to Bucky and hugged him, crying again. Bucky saw the bruise and looked up at Sam as he locked the door. The worry came over again and he knelt down, hugging her tightly, "shh, El, what happened?"

"I missed you so much..." she said, sniffling. "I know," he said, burying himself in his daughter and covering her in a hug. Sam joined the hug and the family was left alone as they sat in the living room. "What happened?" he asked her gently, Eleanor wiped her nose with her hand and looked up at them.

"T-These big kids hit me," she replied, small sobs coming from her lips.

"Why?" Sam asked her.

"Because they told me that my dads were-" she paused and looked down, "they said bad words...and I told them you weren't a-ah-and–" she broke down in tears again and they hugged her. Eleanor hugged back and after a few moments, she was eating cake and opening presents and getting hugs from her family. Her cousin, Morgan Stark assured her that no one will touch her ever again and that we'll be here for her.

After the party was over, they helped her clean the wound as she played with bubbles in the bathtub and they all snuggled up on Bucky and Sam's bed, reading a story together as they slept in each other's arms. Eleanor had the best birthday ever.

A/N: Thank you for reading!

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