21 | Wedding Vows

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A/N: I got inspired by the picture but also Brian and Meredith's wedding ;w; the song is the song they dance to :)

Pulling out his cards out of his blazer pocket, he held the microphone. They were under the large canopy with all their friends and family gathered around with the evening sun shining in with the white tablecloths and the cool evening breeze against their skin. Bucky's hands were shaking as he met eyes with Sam and they both laugh nervously. 

"Sam," Bucky said with tears welling in his eyes "I'm so glad that you didn't bail on the wedding because I sure would have in a panic, I pushed through and seeing you standing here, with me, I could never be happier."

Sam smiled at him, holding his hand in comfort "I promise you that I will do my best to make you laugh, I will also do my best to not set anything on fire from now on," that gave the audience a laugh, it gave Sam a laugh, too. "I was constantly checking with Steve to see if the speech was okay and," he lifted up his palm cards, they were empty but filled with words in his handwriting.

"I made cards to describe you." he paused and looked up at his husband "Sam Wilson. I am so glad to have you in my life, have you by my side. I'm so glad that you helped me grow."

Some audience members were crying at this stage, including Bucky and Sam, Bucky took a deep breath and their eyes were locked the entire time.

"You're special, you're sweet, kind, lovely and beautiful. You're perfect Sam, never did I know that your voice would have soothed me during nightmares or panic attacks, never did I know that I was going to be yours. But here we are. Together. I love you so much, Sam - you're my whole world." Bucky finished and wrapped him in a hug. The audience clapped and now it was Sam's turn.

Bucky prepared himself, knowing that he was going to cry even more. "Bucky," Sam addressed "I am eternally grateful that you're not ripping out steering wheels from cars anymore," Bucky laughed and sniffed "I wasn't sure when I fell in love with you but I'm pretty sure I've always had been. You're the best person I've ever met and I thank Steve for introducing me to my soulmate." Sam smiled "you're my everything and I need you and you need me. I have never been so happy to say the words 'I love you' to someone like you." 

Sam took a breath and continued "you're wonderful, Jamie. I just want to hold you forever. In my arms and keep you safe. Your eyes are so deep and blue, your heart is so big. I'm so glad I can my whole world into my hands. I just want to let you know that no matter what I will love you. I promise to make sure we have fun. I promise to never let you go. You make me smile, you make me calm and I'm so lucky to love you." Sam sniffed and took Bucky's metal arm.

Sam gave him that look, that knowing look of seriousness and meaning. "This," he said looking towards his arm "I love this part of you. You may not but I think it makes you more human and no matter what you were, I would have loved you all the same because it doesn't matter if you're a HYDRA experiment or not. I love you," Sam smiled and kissed Bucky's metal hand. They embraced in a hug and it was time for the dancing.

They held each other and moving to the music. Bucky laughs and wraps his arms around Sam's neck. "I love you," Bucky said, kissing him on the cheek. Sam laughed as they moved to the music. It was just them. Just Sam and Bucky. They have never been happier. They hold hands and it felt like the first time they danced. Intimate, soft and lovely. 

Bucky rests his head on Sam's chest. They lock eyes again, Sam smiles and runs a hand through Bucky's hair and trails his hand to his chin and makes Bucky look up at him. Sam leans in and they kiss, the sparks flying that were stronger than before. Their mouths moved in sync, Bucky tip-toed and deepened the kiss and wrapped his hand across Sam's neck.

Their friends and family clapped and cheered. Sam and Bucky parted. "Congrats," Sam said to him "welcome to the Wilson family." Bucky laughed and they met lips again. The perfect wedding.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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