69 | Nice, Isn't It?

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A/N: High School AU. Based off the Wattpad book Top & Tail(currently reading up to chapter 20) This is similar to the tutor one where Nat and Steve are the parents.

Warning: Swearing

"That's great," Bucky groaned, pushing his textbooks away. Of course Sam fucking Wilson just had to move in with them. He's only known the guy for what, a day? He doesn't even know, he doesn't even care. But his parents said that they had to make room for Sam because his father is currently serving the military and his mother will also come live with them, they had to sell the house in order for their father to get back in the military for some reason. 

"Bucky, remember your manners." his mother told him. 

Bucky nodded but didn't really want to know this guy. But, he had to because he himself really wants to be in the army. Sam's dad was in the army, he had to be at least sympathetic towards him. "You two gotta share a room," his mother, Natasha told him. Bucky nodded, flipping through pages of another book he started reading. He had no friends at school, well, he had no close friends. His primary school friends went to other schools, he was left alone. The door bell rings and there he was. His mother with a bright smile, hugging Natasha warmly and he sat there, on the couch.

Bucky just went back into his shell. "Sam, this is Bucky," Steve, Bucky's father introduced. Bucky gave a quiet 'hello' as he continued reading. "Buck, why don't you show Sam your room? Afterall, you'll be sharing it." Natasha told Bucky. "Fine," he groaned, placing down the novel and showing Sam his room. 

At times, Bucky was ignorant and stubborn. Being introverted isn't as easy as it seems. Sam complimented the room, even though it was messy as fuck. "I'm sorry," Bucky instantly said "I mean...the room is like...shit." Sam laughed, he had multiple friends at his school, a loud and popular student at his high school. "That's okay, I can live with it." Sam says, putting his bag down. Bucky bites his lip, "uh, I don't know what else to show you," he says quietly, shuffling his feet. They've met for a day but didn't really talk to each other.

"Hey, uh do you have any hobbies?" Sam asked as they walked downstairs. Bucky shrugged and "dunno," he replies "reading, I guess." he told him as they reached the kitchen. "Sam, would you like tea?" Natasha asked him. Sam shook his head. "Buck, want tea?" "Sure," Bucky said, picking up his novel again and began reading, sipping the fresh tea that his mother. made for him. "Thanks mum," he replies, as he continues reading.

"What book are you reading?" Sam asks politely. "Simon vs. The Homospaiens Agenda," Bucky replies. Him and Sam are the same age, 17 years old. He stays quiet for a while before his mother decided they should go out and show them the town. Bucky brought his book along, they sat at a cafe, he bit his lip nervously. He doesn't do well in big crowds.  Sam got a biscuit or two and Bucky sat there, minding his own buisness. His mother and father were bonding well over on the other side of the table. 

"Uh," Bucky said, looking up at Sam "how are you liking the place so far?" Bucky set down his book and decided to be polite. "It's nice," Sam replied with a smile. "Sam, what are you into?" Natasha asked him nicely. He looked up and thought for a moment, "I like superheroes." he replies shyly. Steve smiles "that's nice," he turns to his son "Oh! Buck," he tells him "is it okay if  you show Sam around? You have your phone, yeah?"

"Sure, dad," he replies, standing up. He motioned for Sam to come with him, tucking his book under his arm. They began walking up the street, Bucky showing him where the local shops are and the bookstores(which he goes almost every week). Sam smiled at how shy Bucky was, he used to be like that. "Why are you so shy?" Sam asked suddenly, caughting Bucky offguard. Bucky blushed and bit his lip, looking down to the ground.

"I just...I just don't have any friends," he replied quietly, shuffling his feet against the ground. Sam's eyes softened, "I can be your friend." he told him. Bucky's eyes litup as he turned to Sam hopefully. "Really?" Bucky said in shock. Sam smiled, "really." Bucky hid his smile as they continued walking back. He actually had a friend. They walked back to the car, Sam sparked up friendly conversation between him and Bucky. 

Bucky almost forgot that they had to share a bed that night. They talked about school and just life in general. Steve was sitting in the back with them, "so, boys, how are you?" he asked. "Good," they replied at the same time. Soon, it came to dinner where they sat quietly and ate their food. "James, put the book down." Natasha scolded, Bucky groaned, putting down the book and continued to eat. Soon, Sam found that Bucky was sarcastic and witty with his comments but shy and lonely.  Sam kind of found that adorable. After dinner, they walked up to their bedroom. Bucky laid down awkwardly, "you want a pillow?" he asked his friend. 

"I have one, its fine." Sam replied, placing his pillow on the bottom end of the bed. "You can have the top end," Bucky said instantly "I have to do something for you since I've...made my first friend." Bucky said shyly, Sam smiled sincerely. "Dude, you don't have to do anything for me." Sam replied. "But I have to," Bucky protested, changing into his pyjamas. Sam removed his shirt and started changing too. Bucky turned the away way, his face flustered.

They managed to find a comfortable sleeping position, although, a million thoughts had just surpassed Bucky throughout the night, it was almost midnight now and all he could do was think of Sam and silently watch him. As creepy as that sounds, he felt warm on the inside and his stomach fluttered whenever Sam stirred in his sleep or the sound of his breathing just melted him. 

He looked up to the ceiling and sighs. "You okay?" Sam started to get up and rub his eyes, Bucky sat up instantly "no, no!" he cried "go back to sleep, sorry I didn't mean to–"

"You seem distracted, something wrong?" Sam asked him. Bucky looked into his eyes, the soft moonlight outside brang out Sam's warm honey brown eyes. "I..." Bucky replied, silent. Sam gotup and reached out his hand "let's got for a walk." he insited.

"Sam, it's midnight," Bucky told him, realising that he said his name for the first time. Sam smiled and shrugged "so?" he said, his arm still extended out to reach Bucky's hand. He sighed and took Sam's hand, grabbing his keys and they slip on some shoes and walk out into the night. "It's nice, isn't it?" Sam said, looking up into the stars. The glistening and wonderous things in the sky. Bucky smiled "yeah, it is."

Sam smiled back as they continued their journey around the streets. "We should start heading back," Bucky yawned. Sam smiled softly, "okay." They came back at 12.25pm, they rested in their bed, this time they held each other like little kids and their stuffed toys.


Morning came, they wandered into the kitchen, ready to eat. It was like that every morning and every night they would hold each other safely. Bucky soon became use to this kind of intimacy, Sam and him bonded quite well. It really was nice to have a friend.

A/N: Part two?

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