Chapter 22 - Going home.

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After another agonizing two weeks, the doctor's finally stated that I was allowed to leave, and head home.

I packed all of my gifts, all my items. I put on the spare outfit Devyn had brought me earlier today, and grabbed my bag.

I looked around the bland room for one last time. For the past two and a half months this had been my home. Where I slept, ate, showered, lived. And now that I think about it, it feels quite weird leaving.

But I was glad to be leaving, going home to see my fans, friends and family.

I smiled lightly and walked out of the room, leaving the door open behind me, and I walked over to the elevator.

I rode down the elevator to the fifth floor, or the ground level, and stepped out of the elevator.

Devyn and Corey stood over by the desk. I walked over to them. "Ready to go?" Devyn asked me quietly and I simply just nodded my head.

Corey grabbed her hand, and Devyn grabbed my empty hand while Corey as well took my bag. We all walked out of the hospital together. Hand in hand.

(A lovely hour long drive later)

The Traphouse. I haven't been here in months and it felt terribly awkward and weird.

I stared up at the mansion in front of me. Just a few months ago I was running around this house. Screaming my head off, my lungs out, pranking people. Laughing as they pranked me.

Tears sprung in my eyes. The memories of Colby and I washed over me. All the love. The adoration we once had felt for each other. The adoration I still feel for him. The love I still feel for him.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Devyn asked me gently, placing her hand on my bicep.

I laughed gently, and allowed the tears to run down my face as I continued to stare at the mansion house.

I looked over at her. I could feel the sadness radiating off of my broken body, from my broken heart.

"No Devyn, no, I'm not alright." The tears kept falling as I felt a sob racking the back of my throat.

"I just want everything to go back to normal." I whispered quietly as I wrapped my arms around myself.

Devyn grabbed my hand and led me inside the house. Inside there was a banner that said 'Welcome Home'.

I smiled gently and Corey set my bag down on the couch next to me. Colby walked down the stares with Sam and Aaron.

"Welcome home, love." Colby smiled gently and opened his arms.

I ran into them. I hugged Colby tightly as he hugged me to his chest. He placed a kiss on my forehead and cried into my hair.

Colby may have broke me. Colby may have hurt my heart more times than I could count, but I will always love him.

He will always hold my heart because he is the one who I love the most.

From the moment I met him at the abandoned asylum, to this moment now, I know, Colby Brock. You are the reason I am still living.


The end!

I know, this is a very sucky ending. But I needed to finish this book. I needed to get it done, so it's done!

Thank you all so much for reading!

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