Chapter 04 - Hospitalized Devyn

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Hey guys, it's Katie Brock here! I get to do my first dedication. And it goes to my first voterEliseisokay

Thank you so much for voting, and I hope you're enjoying the book so far.

Chapter 04 - Hospitalized Devyn


I arrive at the Traphouse, walking over to Colby and the group. "What happened!" By now, there were just tears streaming down my face. Like a dam broke, and it wouldn't be fixed anytime soon. "Devyn and Corey got into a car crash. Corey's fine. Which we're all really happy about, but Devyn, she's in the hospital. We were just about to head there." Sam's voice is frantic, and I follow along, listening to his words as he walks to his car. "You go with someone, Kat is coming with me." I nod my head, and I look around.

Aaron looks over at Corey, and tells him to go with him, which only leaves me to go with Colby since Jake dropped me off and left. I don't know what his problem is, but I have better things to worry about.

I rush over to Colby, grabbing his arm, and I literally drag him over to his car. "Colby, come on. We have to go to the hospital." He nods his head, and fumbles with the keys as he tries to unlock the car. And I stand there impatiently waiting, tapping my foot on the ground, harshly trying to wipe off my tears.

He finally unlocks the car doors, and I get inside quickly, along with Colby, and he starts the car, driving quickly out of the driveway, following Sam and Aaron's cars.

(Little timeskip to the hospital)

We finally arrived at the hospital, and I've finally stopped crying. Me and Colby speedily get out of the, him locking the doors of course, and we both walk inside together, me hanging on his arm. Don't ask why, but I've felt light headed ever since I got the call about Devyn. I feel as if I may pass out any second.

Colby walks up to the desk, along with the rest of our group, and we request to see Devyn. "Which room is Devyn Lundy in?" The lady at the desk slowly types in Devyns name to see the room she's in. I see Corey impatiently rubbing his arms, and his face is turning a shade darker as if he's about to burst. "She's in room 206, 2nd floor, take the hall to the right, 6 doors down." We nod our heads, and Sam says a quiet 'thank you', and we all rush through the double white doors and go straight to the elevator.

When we get inside, Corey starts frantically pressing the 2nd floor button, and Aaron has to pull him off. "Corey, calm down. She's going to be fine." Again, Corey looks as if he's about to burst. "Fine, are you saying that she's going to be fine after a car hit her at 100 miles per hour, speeding down a straight away, right into her side!"

Tears gather in his eyes, and he places his hands over his mouth to hold back a sob. Seeing Corey so sad makes me even sadder. The elevator finally dings after what feels to be a million years, and we all rush to her room.

"Doctor, what are we supposed to tell them?" What? "Well, the lady at the desk, what was her name, Kalyee? I don't know, but she told me that they're in their way up, which, by now, they should've arrived. So, I might as well tell them." The doctor comes outside, his arms hanging limp by his sides, and a sour look on his face. "Excuse me, Mr. Scherer?" Corey stands up quickly. "That's me!"

"I'm afraid to tell not only you, but everybody else associated with Devyn, that she's in a coma." I hear everyone gasp. "And there's a 43.96823 percent chance she may never wake up again." A heartfelt sob not only comes from me, but from Corey. Devyn means so much to Corey, I don't know what he's feeling right now. But it must be terrible.

"This is all my fault!" I run over to Corey and hug him. "This is not your fault Corey. If it was your fault, then you wouldn't be here. You would be in jail, or worse, you could be dead." I look and see that everybody nods their head. "Listen Corey, the only person at fault is the guy who went over the speed limit, and was probably to drunk to notice. He's the one who done it, and he's the one who will have to pay the price. You hear me? You did nothing wrong." I hug him tightly, and he cries into my shoulder.

We sink down to the floor together, and everything goes silent except for the painful sobs coming from Corey.

(Another little timeskip. They are still at the hospital. It is now 10:35 at night. Visiting hours end at 11:00.)

We've been at this hospital for 3 hours straight. I grab out my phone, and notice that it's on 63 percent, and I check the time. 10:35 at night. We have exactly 25 minutes until visiting hours close.

"Corey, hun, we're going to have to go home soon." He nods his head, and he stands up, rubs his eyes, and paces for a bit.

"How much longer do we have until visiting hours close (Y/N)?" I check my phone again. 10:43. "We have 17 minutes Corey." He nods his head. "Can we leave a little before 11, I just want to make sure nothing happens." We nod our heads. "Of course Corey. Of course. Take all the time you need." And I know I speak for everybody.

"Hey, anybody want to go down to the cafeteria with me. It's not the best place to be, but maybe it'll help us take our minds off of things. We didn't really eat earlier, and I'm a little hungry." I turn to Colby, and my stomach growls at the mention of food. Everybody giggles. Even Corey. "Yeah, sure, I'll go. I'm a little hungry too." Soon Sam and Kat and Aaron agree. Which leaves only Corey to stay up here. "I'll stay, you guys can go. I'll eat something later." I nod my head.

(Little timeskip to down in the cafeteria.)

"Hey (Y/N)?" I make a hum sound. "That little pep talk you gave to Corey, was pretty nice." Everybody agrees. And that makes me blush out of embarrassment. "Yeah. Of course. Anytime."

"And I think we speak for all when I say thank you." I look at Sam with a confused look on my face. "I don't understand." He smiles at me. "Without you here, I think Corey may have been blaming himself forever. None of us had the guts to tell Corey it wasn't his fault. We all agreed we felt as if we may have said something wrong."

Oh guys. "You could probably never say anything wrong to Corey that would make him think any less of you guys. You all have been there for him. You all are his best friends. I mean, at least you're here for him." They nod their heads. "It's 10:53, say, let's go get Corey, and take him home. I'm sure he needs some sleep, along with us, and then we'll try and reassure him that Devyn will be alright. She has a higher chance of waking up than not waking up. We all know she's a fighter."

We all take the elevator upstairs, and we get Corey. "Corey, tomorrow everybody is going to take the day off, we're all going to talk to you, and we're all going to spend the day with you." He nods his head.

We take the elevator back downstairs, and we sign out of the office, and we all go to our separate cars. Me with Colby, Sam with Kat, and Corey with Aaron.

(Little timeskip to the Traphouse)

We all make it home safely and soundly. Sam walks up to the door, unlocks it, and we all make our way inside, going our separate ways. The spare bedroom is now being occupied by Jake, so I have to sleep with someone tonight. And everybody, earlier, voted me to sleep with Colby.

I walk up the stairs to Colby's room, and I go inside, hopping in the shower, washing up real quick, and I grab a pair of panties, I have no clue where they came from, and a pair of Colby's boxers and a hoodie of his, and I climb in his bed and slowly start to drift asleep. But not before feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and a certain persons face nuzzle into my hair.

Hey guys, it's Katie Brock here! Wow, this was my longest chapter yet. Just, wow. I didn't think I could write that much. I feel so happy for myself. Now, this chapter is edited. So yeah. This will be posted tomorrow, or the day that you're reading this. But yeah, that's all for now. And I hope you enjoyed.


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Bye my lovelies! (Blows kiss to you)

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