Chapter 10 - My answer is Yes

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(I finally hit double digits!! Yes. That's you at the top, well, kind of. You're supposed to be Mariyan Pashaeva, but crying. So picture that as her, but here eyes more red and more tears.)

Chapter 10 - My answer is Yes.


Aaron and I make our way to his bedroom since he wanted to speak somewhere private. And since he knows Colby apparently 'loves' me.

"So, Aaron, how long have you, you know, liked him?" He stares at me a bit more before sighing and taking a seat on his swivel chair. "I've liked him for 3 years now. I've always kept it a secret." My mouth hangs open. "3 years?! That's a long time!" He nods his head and shushes me. "Quiet, not so loud. But anyways. I knew he didn't like anyone, so I never told him, afraid it would mess up our friendship. And I didn't want that." I nod my head, and I wave, telling him too continue.

"And then you came, and I love you as a friend and all, but I'm jealous. When you was gone, he announced too all of us that he has a huge crush on you. With the 3 months that you've been here, he's formed a crush on you. And when I heard that," Aaron's voice cracks. ", I broke. I came up here, and I started balling. I stayed in my room for a couple of days, and yeah, they all noticed, but I just told them I wasn't feeling that well." By now, he has tears in his eyes, threatening to start streaming down his face.

I jump up, and I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Aaron, it's okay. I'm here for you, we all are. And I'm sure we'd all keep this secret for you. We love you like a friend and like a brother." He nods his head, and hugs me back, his face in the crook of my neck and shoulder. And he cries silently.

He cries for another 3 minutes or so, and finally lifts his head up. "I'm not only gay though. I'm bisexual. And I kind of like you too." I gasp. Aaron likes me. As more than a friend.

What do I do. I can't break his heart. I love Colby, but none of them knows that. "Hey (Y/N)?" I nod my head and make a hm sound. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Oh no. What do I say?


I run Aaron's question over in my head again. He wants me to be his girlfriend. And I don't know what to say. I told him to give me some time, and he understood. He said he'd be fine because he'd have Colby. Even as a friend, for 3 years, he still loves him. Colby comes back in 3 days, and I plan on telling him that I like him.

But, what about Aaron? I don't know what to do about him then. I could, say yes, and tell him that I love Colby. And I could give him his wants, then help him find someone.

Maybe Shea. Yeah, I know Shea. Me and her used to be friends, then we had a blowout, we're not close friends now, we're more of acquaintances.

I'm not saying she will, but maybe she would. I don't know. We haven't talked in a long while.

I decide to go answer Aaron. I stand up, and I make Colby's bed again, and my phone, at that exact moment, starts to ring. I grab it, and look at the caller ID, partially annoyed, but seeing Colby's contact magically made me less annoyed.

"Hey Colby, what's up?" I hear Elton say something in the background. "Uhm, (Y/N)? Sam just texted me. He heard Aaron say he likes you." My heart starts beating at a rapid pace, and butterflies, not the good kind, enter my stomach. I swallow a lump in my throat, and I'm about to say something, but Colby stops me. "I think you should go out with him." I almost drop the phone, but gladly I didn't. He what?

"W-what? But everybody said you like me. Or at least, I thought you did." I hear Colby sigh. "I don't. I don't know what made you think that." I can feel my heart break. "I'm with Shea anyways. That was my plus one. Hey Shea, come say hi!" I hear light footsteps, and someone else take the phone. "Hey (Y/N)." I can just hear the smirk in her voice. "Hey Shea." I lace mine with as much venom and hate as I can.

"I hope you and Aaron are happy together. Because me and Colby are. Right babe?" I hear Colby say something once more to Elton before answering. "Right Princess." I can feel my heart break more. "Put Colby back in the phone."

I hear Shea hmph, and she hands the phone back to Colby, or I assume she did. "Yeah?" Tears enter my eyes, and I grit my teeth. "You're such a joke. I thought you loved me! But I was wrong. I loved you! I admit it. I was hopelessly in love with you. But I guess I was right about you all along. You're just another fuck boy toy. I hope you rot." And with that, I end the call.

I sit back down on Colby's bed, and I start sobbing my heart out, my cries loud. I'm sure the roommates heard.

A few minutes later, someone opens the door, and arms are wrapped around me. "She. It's okay. I'm here for you." It's Aaron, and his voice soothes me.

I look up at Aaron, and he wipes the tears away from my eyes and cheeks. "I heard what you said. I'm so sorry." I sigh, and I wipe my eyes again. I sniffle. "It's fine. But Aaron?" He makes a hm sound, and wraps his arms back around me.

"I know what my answer is to your question." He pulls away, and he looks at me expectingly. "My answer is yes." He beams a smile at me, and he wraps his arms back around my waist in a tight hug, and he places multiple kisses on my forehead.

"I love you (Y/N)." I smile. "I love you too Aaron." I don't mean it. "You just made my day." I keep smiling. "I'm glad I did. I made mine too." I didn't. "I love you." I look up at him. "I love you too." Aaron kisses me. And I kiss back. But those tingles I got from Colby, didn't come from Aaron. The way u felt about Colby, I didn't feel around Aaron. And the way my heart hurts around Aaron, I didn't feel around Colby.

I don't love you Aaron Doh, I love you Colby Brock.

And I think I always will.

That honestly felt like I just ended the book. That would be a crappy ending.

But, what's up guys, it's Katie Brock here! Wow, 2 chapters in one day. I got my inspiration back. And we're in double digits. Five more chapters due tonight. I can do it. I just need to keep my inspiration.

And oof, Shea and Aaron in the way of Colby and you. And Shea was supposed to be with Aaron. Like, I feel bad for doing, but it's all going to lead up to the big scene. I hope you all understand.

And I'm glad all of you are reading my book. Even though it's not that popular. It's still nice to see some people reading it.

But really, that's all for now. See you all in the next chapter.

~ Peace!! ~

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