Chapter 08 - Surprise!

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Chapter 08 - Surprise!


I stare at the person in front of me. My ex boyfriend. He was a real jerk, and at times abusive. But he never got caught. One day I got so fed up with it, that I just left, leaving a note. After I left he texted me saying how worried he was, until he showed me his true colors, calling me all these names, and then, he stopped texting.

Which, to my relief, never did again. "(Y/F/N). How have you been?" He gives me a mocking smile. Still the same asshole I know. I give him a sickly sweet smile. "Hey asshole, how have you been?" He shrugs. "Not as good as I was when I was with you." He winks at me, and I shiver in disgust. "How could you say that. You fucking raped me, and used me how you like. Starved me, beat me, and even almost sold me as a sex slave. You're just a horrible and disgusting creature." He face hardens, and he raised his hand to slap me.

I could see his hand start swinging to hit me, and I awaited for the impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Colby holding his wrist, in a pretty tight grip I may add. "You're about to hit a girl in public. Is there something wrong in your head. Are you that crazy Josh?" My eyes widen. Colby knows who Josh is?

Josh rolls his eyes and yanks his wrist from Colby's hand. "It's not nothing new. She's been through it before." I see Colby's jaw clench, and he raised his fist, and lands a hard punch to Josh's nose. I her a satisfactory crunch. Josh cries out, and holds his hands over his nose. "You broke my nose!" I smirk at him. "Oh boo hoo. If you're in so much pain, then you can drive yourself to the hospital." Josh's eyes widen. Those were the last words he said to me before I left.

He broke 3 of my ribs and my left arm. I was in the hospital because one of my ribs punctured something it shouldn't have, and he had to pay.

"Yeah, you remember those words. The last thing you said to me before I was put in the hospital. I could have died! You almost killed me. And I thought you loved me. No. I was wrong. Who's dating him?" A young girl raises her hand. "How old are you?" She looks scared. "I-I'm 15." People gasped. "How did you get with a 26 year old man sweetheart?" She looks scared out of her mind, and when she looks at Josh she starts crying. "He kidnapped me."

And that's all it takes for Colby to lunge at Josh and start throwing hits at him. Beating him to a pulp. Someone screams out to call the police, and it takes a couple guys to pull Colby off him. "I'm done with this Josh! I'm done with protecting you! Done with your shit! You're a worthless scumbag who deserves to rot in hell!"

They drag Colby outside, and start to try and calm him down. I run outside, and I wrap my arms around him, and he instantly calms down, and hugs me back. "Thank you Colby. For protecting that girl. And getting Josh back." I whisper next to his ear. He responds by kissing my forehead. "Of course. But it was for you too. He beat you senseless, raped you, starved you, and almost sold you. I wanted to rip his head off when I heard that." I giggled. "I felt the same when that girl gave you her number earlier."

"You did." I nod my head. "Mmhm. I didn't like the fact that she did that when she saw you with me."

"Well, I thought you going off on her was cute and hot and a but scary." I giggle again. "And you beating Josh to a pulp was just what I needed. Thank you again Colby. For protecting us." He responds back by kissing my cheek this time. And we stare into each other's eyes until someone clears their throat. "Not to get into the middle of anything, but I need you both to come down to the station."

Colby and I walk back to his car, getting inside, and we start driving down to the police station.

(After a short little drive)

"Okay, so please explain. He kidnapped the girl, and basically tortured you?" I nod my head, along with Colby. "Alright, well, we'll make sure he's behind bars for a long time sweetheart. He won't be bothering you again." I nod my head at the police officer. And he gives me a warm genuine smile. "Thank you." The officer nods his head, and smiles again, and we head off back to the Traphouse.

"I guess we'll have some explaining to do when we get home." I nod my head. "Yup." I say, popping the 'p'.

And Colby was right. When we got home, we was met with worried, angered faces. "What were you guys doing at the police station?"

"Err." I sigh. "Sit down, we have a lot of explaining to do." Everybody walks over to the couch, and they all sit down. I walk in, and everybody turns towards me. "Alright, explain."

"Calm down. Sheesh. Can't I take a seat?" I don't get a response. Believing it was rhetorical question, they all just sit and stare at me. "Alright, so we'll start back a few years ago."

What's up guys, it's Katie Brock here! So, you guys. The 8th chapter, is now out.

There will be another one later today. So please enjoy these. And two tomorrow and Wednesday. As well on Saturday and Sunday. Well, those will count as two. Saturday will be basically, the two put together. And Sunday will just have extra pictures. This time, it'll be Sam.

And the guy above is Josh.

Well, who's playing Josh, his real name is Josh Hutcherson.

Other than that. I hope you enjoyed. And I'll read you all in the next one! (Man do I feel good.)

Bye my lovelies! (Blows kiss to you)

Sadly, this is not edited.

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