Chapter 05 - Catching something

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Chapter 05 - Catching Something


I hear the click of a camera going off, a few feet in front of where I'm sleeping. "They are so cute together. I've shipped them ever since (Y/N) came here." Excuse me? Shipped me with who? "Look at how cute Colby's holding her?" What?

"Oh shit, she's waking up. Go, go Sam!" It sounded like Kat, whisper yells to Sam. Oh they're so dead. I yawn, and I reach my hands up to rub my eyes. I try to stand up, only to be held down by a pair of strong arms. I look over and I see Colby, a little to close for comfort. But I can't help to admire his peaceful state. He's cute when he's sleeping.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer princess." I am taken a back at Colby's comment, but I don't make it known to him, and I roll my eyes at his sarcastic comment. "In your dreams Mr. Brock."

"Oh you're in all of my dreams." And, he winks at me. And also, ew. "Mr. Brock, if you'll excuse me. I need to go home and get some clothes, or have you forgotten that I don't live here?"

He seemingly removes his arms from around my waist, and he stands up. His built, but not too built, back facing me. And I can't help but admire it. What? Guys backs are nice.

"Here princess. Shea left these here after her last visit. They should fit you." He throws me a pair of leggings, and some underwear. I guess I'll wear one of his shirts.

I go over to his closet, and I grab this shirt,

And I go to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and washing up in the only shampoo and conditioner in there, as well body soap, which happens to be Colby's of course. But it does smell really good. I get out after washing up, and I grab the underwear, and the leggings throwing them on, and I grab Colby's deodorant, hope he doesn't mind, and I put some on, finally putting on the shirt, brushing my teeth, and throwing my hair in a messy bun.

(And what your bun looks like)

I grab my pair of black converse, and I put them on, as well as Colby's snapback. I grab my phone, which I plugged up on Colby's charger because we have the exact same phone. I know, weird. And I rush downstairs to see Sam and Kat cuddled up on the couch. "Sam, Kat." They look up at me. Calm but frightened looks on their faces.

"I'd like to get those pictures." They stare at me. "You're wearing Colby's shirt, and his snapback. And we can smell the soap he uses. You're just trying to get people to think you're together." I sigh. I'm getting really annoyed by this. "Can I please just have the pictures?" They shake their heads. "Well then you have 5 seconds to run."

"5." They stand up.

"4." They stand there.

"3." Kat starts running.

"2." Sam starts running.

"1." I start running.

I chase them around the house for a good hour or so, before Colby comes down the stairs and I run straight smack into his chest. "Dammit Colby. I'm trying to catch Sam and Kat. They took pictures of us." I try and start running again, but Colby wraps his arms around my waist, and traps me against his body. He leans down to my ear. "Let them have their fun." He whispers it ever so softly, and it send shivers down my spine.

I hear the click of a camera again, and I look over to see them taking pictures again. "Colby, let me go before I kick where the sun doesn't shine, and trust me. I'm not afraid to do so." He let's go of my waist and I start chasing them again.

(Little timeskip)

After chasing them for about 30 more minutes, I finally tackle Sam to the ground. "Okay Sam, delete those pictures." I command it, and I have an evil glint in my eye. He looks up at my face scared. "Okay okay. Calm down. I will. Kat! Bring the camera and delete the pictures!" Kat comes back down the stairs, and deletes them where I can see her, and I get off of Sam because Kat started giving me the stink eye.

If you're wondering, me and Sam were in a very, awkward position. "Thank you guys." I sigh, and I rub my temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" I start to nod my head, but stop and just hold it for a few seconds. "I'm getting really light headed." Kat comes over, and she places her hand on my head. "You're running a temperature. You may need to lay down for a bit. I think you may be getting sick." I go over to the couch, and I take a seat , placing my head in my hands. "It's odd, I wasn't feeling bad till just now. I felt fine when I woke up. And what are we supposed to do about Corey. I told him we all were going to spend the day with him, minus Jake, because I haven't talked to him since yesterday."

"Well, I think Corey will understand that you're getting sick. Why don't you go and lay on Colby's bed for a bit, and we'll figure something out." I nod my head. Which was a bad idea.

I stand up and go over to Colby, holding my head where it hurts most. "Hey Colby, can I stay in your room for a little bit longer, and could you get me some pain medicine." He nods his head. "Sure. You head up there. I head what Kat said. I'll be glad to help." I smile at him, and start my slow walk up the stairs.

I make it to the room, thankfully, and I get into bed, changing into a more comfortable shirt, also known as one of Colby's hoodie's, and I lay down, resting my head on his soft pillow. "Here, I got you the medicine." I thank Colby, and I down the pills and water, laying my head back on the pillow with a sigh. I close my eyes. I feel a soft touch on my head, but I don't worry too much about it because I'm so tired, and I fall asleep.


What's up guys, it's Katie Brock here! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, this chapter is dedicated to Bangtansauceu

Thank you for adding my book. I'm grateful that you've been reading it.

But I don't really have much to say. Except I feel as if I rushed this chapter. I really wanted to get this chapter out, and it almost wasn't over a thousand words. But yeah. I'll see you all in the next chapter.


My Neko account;
As well as my Sam and Colby account;

Bye my lovelies! (Blows kiss to you)

*This is edited*

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