Chapter 15 - Screwed up date and carnivals

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(Not edited)

Chapter 15 - Screwed up date and carnivals


I wake up early the next morning. I head to me and Colby's shower, and I hop in, washing up really quickly, and I hop back out. I run into the room, grabbing my underwear, and some leggings and one of Colby's hoodies. I get dressed, making sure that Colby is still asleep.

'Now it's time to get Aaron ready for his date.' I smile to myself. Aaron is finally going to get a girlfriend. I'm so excited. I walk out of me and Colby's shared room, and over to Aaron's room. I open the door quietly, making sure not to wake Buddy, and I tip toe over to Aaron, who is asleep on his bed.

I tap his arm lightly. "Hey, Aaron. Come on. You have to get ready for your date." He jolts a bit, before sitting up. "Yeah, my date. That's right." He rubs his eyes as he's speaking, and I have to admit, it was kind of adorable. His girlfriend is so lucky.

But I mean, I have Colby. So I'm even luckier.

I grab Aaron's arm, and I pull him up off his bed, and over to his closet. Throwing out a pair or sweatpants, a shirt, and his hoodie. "Get dressed. We have to go to the mall." He nods his head, and I leave the room so he can get dressed in peace. I head downstairs, and into the kitchen. Sam is at the counter making food. I smile.

"Hey Sam." He turns around, smiles lightly, and then he turns back around. Oh. Well, okay then. I sit at the counter, laying my head down on the cold surface. I just want to go back to sleep. I'm actually still really tired.

I didn't go to bed till about 2 last night. It's about 7 now. So I only got about a 5 hours sleep. Which is not enough for the human body, and I will slowly get even more tired as the day goes on. I sigh and I rub my eyes with my hands. Planning a date, and getting ready for a date, are stressful. I just hope I didn't mess anything up.

Aaron comes hopping down the stairs, a small smile on his face. I smile at him, and he sits next to me, after grabbing himself an apple, and he starts munching on the apple quietly. I smile at him again, and I lay my head back down on the counter, closing my eyes again.

After that, I don't know when I fell asleep, but I knew I would regret it.

I am shaken awake, and I look up at Colby. A sorrowful look embedded on his face. I reach my hand up, and I trace the line of his face. "What's wrong?" I whisper at him. "Aaron completely messed up the date." I sigh. "I messed it up. I fell asleep when I should've been awake." Tears fill my eyes. Why am I even crying?

Colby sighs, and he rubs my head lightly. "You didn't do anything baby. Nothing at all. It's not your fault, and I had no right blaming Aaron." I nod my head, and I rub my cheeks, wiping off my tears. "Yeah. Nobody's fault." I sigh, and I rub my eyes. "I feel so stressed." Colby nods his head.

"Maybe you just need a day to yourself. I'll request that we all leave the house." I nod my head again. "Do, do you think you could stay. I just want to be in your arms." Colby smiles. "Of course."

The next couple of hours were filled with Colby explaining to everyone what happened, and at one point, they all decided to leave the room and leave me there sitting alone.

I curl up into a ball on the couch, and I scroll through Twitter, reading comments on Colby's page. Some were filled with hate, others were decent, and some were so supportive.

One comment stood out. It made me whole body shiver and cease up as my eyes scanned the screen.

"I know where you are Brock. And I know about your little girlfriend. You won't have her very long. I know what has happened, and what's going to happen. I have the whole plan figured out. Until next time my dear friend."

The user was anonymous. They didn't have a name, and when I tried to go to their page, it was blocked from all followers.


I decided to wait until Colby went on his page to see the comment. And if he didn't, then I'll tell him. Just right now I don't want anymore stress or anything else.

I feel like we've had enough of that in the past week.

"Hey baby, you awake?" I hear a soft knock, and the door opens to reveal Colby standing on the other side.

"Yeah, Colby, I'm awake." He walks over and sits down, placing my head in his lap, and he plays with my hair a bit.

"What's wrong baby?" I shake my head. "Nothing that you need to worry about right now. Just, is there something you needed to tell me?"

Colby nods his head, and stops running his fingers through my hair. "Yeah, you wanna go out to eat with the gang and then go for a movie afterwards? Or do you wanna go out to eat and then go to the carnival afterwards?"

I say I like the second option, mainly because that seems like it would be a funner option, and Colby stands up, telling me to get ready, and leave the room.

I smile, more to myself.

"I love you Colby."

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