Chapter Five: Lucas

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Sheriff Lowe, an older man that looks like the stereotype for a grandpa, arrives eight and a half minutes after Adam tells us. I give my statement first since I was the one talking to the newcomer the most. Then Adam told about what he saw, then Lucas.

"How did he look, this newcomer?" The Sheriff asks.

"Tall, skinny but muscular. Faded black hair with black eyes. Tanned." I rattle off what I remember. "I forget what he wore, but I think I saw a tattoo on his arm when he grabbed my wrist. But I don't know what of." Sheriff nods.

"Thank you ms Newlun." He leaves, and I look at Adam.

"You close up? I've enough excitement today."

"Yea, go home. You look like you're going to faint." He says.

"Thanks Adam." I grab my keys and head out the back to my car when I realize Lucas is following me. "Go away." I say without looking at him.

"No, he might be around here and I don't want you to be alone if he is." I roll my eyes.

"So leaving me alone for four years was-"

"You weren't alone, you had Jared didn't you?" I stop and face him.

"Jared isn't you. I didn't grow up with Jared like I did with you. We were right down the road from each other while Jare is pretty much cross town." I turn and unlock my door, sliding in and closing my door. He knocks on my window and I roll it down. "What?"

"Jared is better for you then I am Sophie." I tighten my grip on my steering wheel and look straight ahead. "See you in Chemistry."

I pull out and head home. Only when I'm halfway home do the tears start falling.


When I get home, I look like I wasn't crying and Jare is still there playing Resident Evil 5 with Al while my dad is making his taco.

"You guys beat Halo?" I ask while I plop onto the couch, still in my uniform.

"Yea, now we're working on RE5 on hard."

I watch as they shoot zombies and talk game talk, which I zone out. I can follow game talk, but I wasn't in the mood. I close my eyes and listen to their voices until I doze off.

"Sophie time for dinner." I sit up fast when dad touches my arm and shake my head after the head rush hits me. "You 'kay?"


"No more visions?" He whispers.

"No dad." I stand and hesitate before I go in the kitchen and sit at the table. "How long you staying?" I ask Jare.

"After Taco Tuesday is over. Duh." We all laugh and start putting our tacos together and eat.

A normal Taco Tuesday. I like normal, especially after my stupid vision and the truth about my mom.


Jare left right after dinner, like usual, leaving me, my brother, and dad to rub our full bellies before bed. We watch White Chicks on TNT, then all head to bed. I take a shower first to wash off the smell of coffee before I go to bed, taking an extra ten minutes just to stand in the hot water.

I get out and put clean pajamas on, then go in my room to put my dirty clothes in my hamper. Then I decide I want something to snack on so I head to the kitchen. I hesitate again, then walk in the kitchen. When nothing happens, I go to the snack cabinet and look through it.

I jump when there's a knock on the back door.

Reach for one of the pans hanging over the stove. I edge towards the door as another knock comes. I reach for the curtain, starting to pull it back slowly. I nearly scream when Lucas's face appears. I glare at him, crossing my arms.

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