Chapter Ten: This Has to be a Dream

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I walk downstairs to the kitchen, trying to figure out what I want to eat. I start cooking some soup, then deciding to make a sandwich too. I start eating, trying to fill my poor tummy when I notice something. I walk over tithe back door and see something move again.

"What the?" I put my bowl down and slip my flip flops on and slip outside. "Hello?" Okay, not the smartest thing to do, but I was curious. "Anyone out here?" I try to see movement, but the moons not shining tonight. I go to turn when I hear someone-or something-running in the bushes. "Jare? Lucas?" I ask, turning around. "This isn't funny you guys!"

I realize it was probably the wind, so I go to turn around and go inside when I get a feeling I should go. I start walking into the woods and look around, realizing I should have grabbed a flashlight since I could barely see. I stop when I feel eyes on me and look around.

"Hey." Jare says, causing me to jump. I turn and look at him.

"Jared!" A sense of de jà vu resting in my belly as I scream.

"What you doing out here?" He asks, walking around me in a big circle.

"I thought I saw something. I wanted to know what it was. Or who it was." I watch his eyes flash yellow and I take a step back. The de jà vu getting stronger. "Why are you here Jare?" I ask.

"Just walking at night. It soothes me, especially this time of month." I chuckle, not understanding why that's funny really since I feel like a baby deer being circles by a hunter. But I try making a joke to ease the feeling.

"Sounds like you have a period." He gives me a cruel smirk, and I wonder where his playful one went.

"I guess you could say it's like a cycle of some sort." Then I notice his circle is getting smaller as he keeps walking. The feeling of being a baby deer gets stronger as my de jà vu makes me feel sick.

"Jare," my voice breaks, "you're kinda freaking me out." I watch his eyes turn yellow and I know why I'm having de jà vu.

"Good." He says and jumps at me, making me scream as his body collides with mine and knocks me to the ground.

I feel my head smack the ground just as I whisper something.

"My vision was right..." Then everything goes black.


"Who else will protect you from the monsters?" Lucas says

"My daddy?"

"He doesn't know the secret I know."

"What secret?" I ask, rolling in my belly and looking at him.

"Nope, can't tell you Soph. It wouldn't be a secret if I did." He smiles at me.

"That's not fair." I pout an he laughs.

"Oh Sophie." I hear my name but it doesn't belong in this memory, not yet. "Sophie wake up." Someone pokes my shoulder little roughly. "Wake up!" I open my eyes and nearly scream when I see the yellow eyes glaring down at me. "Finally, you're up." He smiles and I see his teeth look likes a dog's. "I knew you weren't dead." He yanks me up so I'm standing, but so hard that my arm feels like it's bout to fall off now. "Now I can keep you all to myself." He says and I shiver, noticing we're not outside anymore.

"Jare where are we?" I ask and take slow step forward so I can look round better. He lets me, but hovers.

"Inside." I sneeze. "It's dusty I know, sorry." He kinda growls and mumbles at the same time. I nod, scared.

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