Chapter Nine: I'm Not Afraid

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"Excuse me?" I frown. "Just because I see the future doesn't mean there's such things as things that aren't human that looks humans. Aliens aren't real and I'm to old to believe in monsters Lucas." He sighs.

"See I knew you wouldn't believe me." He stands. "I'm leaving then, I know how stubborn you are. Maybe you'll believe me one day."

"Where are you going? What about Jare?" I ask.

"I'm going to look for Jared. You stay here and rest." I bite my lip and grab his arm before he walks out of my reach. "What?"

"I want to ask you a question." He sits back down. "I had a vision," I feel my throat close up sightly, "and it was about Missy Brokeheart and Al-"

"Keep him away from her." He says with wide eyes. "Don't let him hang around the Brokehearts, you'd be safe since your female, but Al isn't as lucky. Nor is your dad."


"You wouldn't believe me." He says, standing up. "Now, I must go." He leans over and kisses my forehead and I blush. "I'll be back sometime to see you. Promise." I nod and watch him walk out, then lay back into my pillows.

"This life is determined to kill me." I mutter.


After awhile, I get up and walk downstairs to get some Orange Juice. I realize it got dark while I had been upstairs and see that dinner had already been made and ate. Dad most have realized that I'm not that happy until a day or so after a vision has past, and I hate how I'm starting to see my ribs more. It's bad enough I'm a bean pole at 5'5", but seeing my stupid ribs makes it worse. I grab some Saltine Crackers and start to head out of the kitchen when I notice a note on the fridge.

Ran Al over to Joey's house for game night. Eat something if you can, but rest. You look to pale anymore. Called you off work tomorrow, don't complain neither sweetie. You need to get your strength up.


I sigh.

"Forgot it's Saturday." I mutter and write a quick response:

I'm going to work tomorrow. I'm fine.

Then I jump when there's a knock on the back door and I look at it, remembering the time Lucas came over and scared the crap out of me. I just stand there in my pajamas with a glass of OJ and a box of saltines in my hands, string at the door. Another knock and I take a slowly step back.

"Soph?" I sigh in relief when I recognize the voice and head over to the back door and move the curtain away to see Jared's face. I open the door and get ready to yell at him for picking a fight with that newcomer guy, Micheal, and disappearing before Lucas could stop the fight when he open his mouth. "Sophie! What's wrong?" he takes me in and I realize he must see how pale I am. I look down at myself to see that my rips are noticeable underneath my shirt. I curse and meet his eyes. "Why are you so pale? And skinny? I know I haven't ate that much of your food."

"I haven't been feeling to hot." I mumble and walk into the living room and fold my feet under me as I sit on the couch and sip of my OJ. "Been stuck in bed while you been picking fights." I say, trying to turn the conversation on him as he sits on the love seat. I really at him now and see bruises and scratches all over his face, his black hair is a mess and dirty, and his blue eyes are hardened. "Jare? Are you-"

"How do you know about the fight?" I physically shiver at how cold his voice is.

"Lucas came over and told me that you were missing-"

"That bastard needs to stay out of business that doesn't concern him."


"No, Soph, just shut up!" He snaps and I jump. He must see hurt on my face, because his face softens some. "I'm sorry Soph." He gets up and kneels in front of me, taking both of my hands. "Lucas just needs to stay out stuff that doesn't involve him, and not worry you about something so stupid."

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