chapter sixteen

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It was a Wednesday night. I was off from work and had little to no homework. My dad came back home in 2 weeks and the time just seemed to be dragging on since I was all by myself.

I tried calling Ashton and Calum, who were actually busy doing "guy stuff", which was them just hiding out in Calum's basement playing hours of video games.

I wanted to call Luke and see what he was up to, but he had beat me to it. His name lit up my phone and I picked it up right away.

"Hey," I shortly said. I sat up on my bed and fixed my shirt just it was twisted from when I was laying on my stomach.

"Hey, how are you?" He sweetly asked, a door closing behind him on the other line.

"I'm fine. I was actually just about to call you and see what you were doing because I have nothing to do right now." I replied, looking around my dim room.

"Really? Well in that case, please come over. I was about to ask you anyways because my parents are home and wanted to sit down and have dinner. I want you to come." I furrowed my eyebrows at is response. We had become good friends, or whatever we are, just in the past few weeks so him dropping this on me was a bit weird.

"Wait, you want me to have dinner with you and your parents?" I asked, thinking this was a thing only people in relationships do. And me and Luke were in anything but that.

He paused, "I don't see why not. You're my friend and you have nothing better to do." He lingered on the word friend a little, it was really obvious that he thought about me being half naked on his couch that one time.

"Um, okay." I cleared my throat in attempt to clear the slight tension. "What time do you want me over?" I asked.

"Can you make it here by 7?"

I nodded, getting up from my bed. "Yeah," I quickly said.

"Thanks, Andy. See you then." I could tell he said this with a smile on his face, as he does with just about everything he says. It was contagious and I found myself smiling as well.

"Bye." I hung up the phone once I heard him repeat the word back and I found myself standing in the middle of my room in silence.

I had just accepted to having dinner with Luke and his parents and this was probably going to end very horribly. I was always awkward in these situations, but for some reason I accepted just so I could see him.

I looked down at my clothes, the same baggy t-shirt and shorts I've had on since I got home from school. My hair was still down and my makeup somewhat still on. My wall clock told me I only had 20 minutes so clean myself up before I left so I figured it'd be best to run right into my bathroom.

As I was getting ready I was pausing every so often to text Luke back. He was good at giving me whiplash from how quickly he could turn our conversations around. He liked to keep it interesting.

While I was changing into my only pair of jeans without holes or tears in them, I began to wonder if his parents were the judgmental type. They did own a huge house and did God knows what as a living, I'm sure I've been told before but have forgotten. This made me analyze everything about me from my hair to my nails to my clothes. Sure, I could somehow get them to believe I have this perfect personality, but I really wanted to make a good impression.

As I was taking out the many earrings lining my ear, I realized I had nothing to lose. I wasn't dating Luke, his parents basically had no idea who I was, so their opinion didn't exactly matter.

I sighed, leaving in a single pair of gold earrings my dad got me when I was younger. I reached to my phone, unlocking it a checking the time. I had 15 minutes to get to Luke's house so I had just about 5 minutes to waste.

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