chapter twenty-one

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"Why are you picking me up instead of Luke?" I asked Michael. This whole situation was weird and for all I know, I could be getting kidnapped right now. 

He glanced over at me then adjusted the rear view mirror. "Because Luke doesn't know you're coming." 

I raised an eyebrow at him, very obviously confused. "He texted me that he wanted me to come over."

"Luke said he wanted to see you. I decided that you guys were going to see each other tonight."

I paused, "So...Luke doesn't want to see me tonight?"

"Of course he does. He texted you, panicked, then threw his phone at me and left his house. I assume he came back. He always likes to throw little temper tantrums." He explained. 

I sighed. The situation put me in the middle. Luke himself didn't invite me over, but Michael told me he wanted me to come over, but then at the same time I really don't care and kind of just want to go home. 

My heart beat raced as I thought about my curfew that I was breaking. My dad was going to be livid. I tried to shake it off, just enjoying the casual ride towards Luke's. 

"So what am I supposed to say when I get there?" I asked. 

He shrugged, pulling up to Luke's gate and entering the code. "I don't really know. Just say that you love him and want to make sweet love to him."

I scoffed, "None of those things are true."

"But it'll make you happy, won't it?" 

I met eyes with Michael. He was smiling, he seemed to oblivious of anything that had happened between me and Luke. I wondered if he knew. All of the kisses, Kat, the silence. 

"No." I whispered. At that moment I decided to give Luke a piece of my mind. I wasn't here to cuddle up to him and pretend he was mine. I was here to rip him a new one. 

Michael swung the car around to Luke's front door. "Go get 'em, tiger." He joked.

"Whatever," I mumbled. I felt a fire burning inside me, and not a good one this time.

This wasn't a love fire or affection or sexual fire. This was pure anger. My dad always taught me to be slow to anger, to be patient and kind. But not tonight. Tonight that was flying out the window.

I hobbled up the steps. My body was still sore from my wreck. I didn't bother to knock, I just let myself in. I breathed in the familiar scent of his home as I stepped through the doorway. I peered around the large living room, Luke was nowhere to be found.

I kept running over a list in my mind of what I should say to Luke. As the familiarity flooded my mind the nicer and more loving I wanted to be. Stern, but loving. 

I don't love him. I like him, a lot. He's not even my boyfriend. He's not even really single.

A majority of the lights were off. The sun had been down for a couple hours now. It was all so eery. Being in a big empty house by myself that I've never fully explored. I roamed into the kitchen and towards the garage.

I slowly opened the garage door, calling out for Luke softly. Nothing.

I sighed. Maybe Michael was wrong, maybe Luke wasn't home. Maybe Luke didn't want to see me. I shut the door slowly, feeling tears well up in my eyes. Luke doesn't care he-


I swiftly turned my head over my shoulder. Luke stood still in the dim light. His silhouette was enchanting. 

A single tear fell from my eye, "Luke?"

He stepped into brighter light, his confused expression meeting mine. "What are you doing here? And why are you crying?" He asked. His expression turned into extreme concern. His thumb brushed over my lightly bruised eye from the wreck. "And what happened here? Is everything alright?

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