-Boyfriend Q&A- pt 18

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As of part 20 I will be doing a time skip , so be warned that this and the next chapter are wrote as they are young 19&20 year olds. (The Time gap would make keith around 25 and lance 24) many thing aswell will be changing in the way of couples.

-thank you for you time-

-Keith's POV -

It has been two days since we found red and blue. Lance had to go into work today so that left me to work from home , like usual.

(Side note: lance works as musician/ choreographer
Keith works at home as a artist/ story time / conspiracy theorist YouTuber)

While lance was at work I did a little research. The type of research that would make lance scream with happiness. It's been a little over a year since me and lance started dating.

I opened my laptop and watched videos of people doing : Boyfriend Q&A

My channel doesn't know I have a boyfriend, but there are channels that have speculations on it. Lance and I have been careful not to post things , since the fact a lot of his family , mostly the teens and younger , watch my channel.

I grabbed a notepad and was writing down questions that weren't to prying into our personal life such as whose top and whose bottom , and stuff like that. More like cute questions lance would ramble on and on about.

The list so far read :

1. Where's was our first date ?
2. Where was our first kiss?
3. Who asked who out first?
4.What town am I from?
5. Who said I love you first?
6. What is our date?

And that's all I have , know lance it would be enough for him to go on and on and on about.

After I finished the questions I checked on blue and red to make sure they were okay , I turned down the heating pad a little , then grabbing a small Cotten swan and cleaning all the nasty stuff / goo coming out their eyes. I fed them the food and re heated the pad and let them go back to sleep.

Lance would be home soon giving me time to set up the camera and get him a change of clothes so we could film.

I grabbed him his favorite teeshirt and a pair of sweats he always wore in videos with me.


I was on my way home , I was happy to be going home , I get to see keith , the kittens. It made me happy , they made me happy.

I pulled into the parking center to the apartment and grabbed my bag and locked my car heading up to the apartment.

I was opening the apartment door when I saw Keith's camera equipment,I only saw the camera and assumed he was filming. I closed the door quietly and left my stuff at the door like usual. I walked down the hall , not seeing Keith on the couch.

"Keith?" I said , no answer , "babe are you here?"

"Yeah sorry , I'm in here" Keith called out.

I walked into our room to see him putting some clothes on the bed .

"What are you doing babe" I walked up behind him and hugged him putting little kisses on his neck.

"We're making a video" Keith said as he turned around in my arms. "Welcome home"

"What kind of video"

"A boyfriend Q&A"


"I thought since there are so many videos out there , the majority of your family knows , and like since it's been little over a year , of us being together, that we could kinda , start showing it on social media , so that we couldn't hide it . Only cause I want to post pictures of us kissing and hugging and stupid cute ass shit."

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