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•Okay so I'm starting another book nothing to do with any show.
•also I will be doing a part on the coreo I'm working with my dance partner
•the song is in the the top thingy 😂
•also I love you guys and omg you guys ♥️♥️♥️😩😩😩😩


(Lances POV)

When we were finished at the the fro-yo place , we wound up going back to Keith's place and grabbing our Dance bags and headed to Altea.

"Keith we're here" I said , waking Keith up from the passenger seat, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

"We are?" Keith said opening his eyes too see the large building that we parked in front of.

"Come one lets go sign in with Coran." I said turning the car off and opening my door , and going to the back to grab our bags.


After we signed in with Coran we went to a room and started to warm-up. We had done this for a while occasionally I would look at him. Even though we moved quickly it felt like we've been together since forever. Memories before I met him kinda blurred feeling like it happened god knows how long ago. All I can say is that by gay ass loves him and I know he loves me.

"What song are we doing today?"Keith asked as he finished his last leg flex thingy.

"I heard this one song , I was thinking we could do it for a comp" I said standing up from my own leg stretch.

"What is it?" He said walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck in a awkward side hug , I kissed him on the cheek and wrapped my arm around his waist pulling him closer.

I opened my phone and went to the song. "It's called the 'Murder song' by Auror." (That's spelt wrong) I said playing the song for Keith to hear.

^the song^ (3rd Person POV)

"Wow, do you have ideas for choreography" Keith asked as the song came to its end.

"A couple things." Lance said heading to the middle and with his Bluetooth remote.

He started doing some movements , covering his mouth , falling to the floor , slow pace and quick pace moves. The whole time he was mouthing the song to keep in time with his movements.

Keith stood there in aw of his dance partner. Some places where lance struggled to transfer Keith had already filled it in. This was the first song in a while that made him excited. Besides the other songs that lead to him and lance making out.

"Okay so that's all I have for right now" Lance said standing in the center of his room with sweat dripping down his face and soaking his tank top that read "Altea Paladins" across in big bold white letters that made them stand out against the deep blue.

"Okay , I have some ideas , on the parts where you were trying to figure out transitions" Keith said walking over to lance to stand next to him / in front of him.

"Good" Lance said kissing Keith on the cheek and heading to the aux cord to find out to keep the song on for the rest of the hour.

Keith started practicing his parts of the dance since on a few parts in the dance we're lance and Keith going to be in sink. He also practiced transition for him and lance when they did sink up.

"Okay you ready babe" Lance said walking back over to Keith and wrapping his arms around Keith's waist.

"Yea" Keith said getting into position"


Yo haven't edited this since god knows , but part 2 is coming up next

-620 words

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