Chapter 1 of Healing Our Wounds (Sequel to Behind Closed Eyes)

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Here is the first chapter of the sequel to this story. I hope you enjoy it!!

Chapter 1

Liam's POV

I watched in awe as a beautiful girl walked around. It seemed like she was looking right through me. Her beautiful dark black hair was hanging over her shoulders. She wore jeans, a blue t-shirt, a snapback, and a letterman jacket. Her smile was amazing, her teeth were perfect. Too bad I couldn't see her eyes through her sunglasses, I'd remember them and-


"Alright Louis!!" I yelled back, the spoon part got me. I sat up in bed and looked at my phone. I was expecting to see a good morning text from Danielle but I remembered what happened last week. Everything happened very quickly and now I'm single. I took some deep breaths trying to not break down into tears. I checked my phone's clock.

10:13 am

Hmm, that's kind of late considering it a regular day. Plus, I don't sleep late much.

I looked out the window to see the beach glowing with happiness.

"NIALL JAMES HORAN GET UP OR YOU WON'T GET ANY BREAKFAST!!" I heard Louis yell. Good, I'm not the last one awake.

During breakfast

"Why'd you wake us all up, Louis?" Harry asked. "I thought that was Liam's job haha."

"I was bored and I got up early for some reason." Louis said.

I just stared at my plate. I hadn't touched any of my food. It's so hard being single after having a great girlfriend for a longtime.

"Are you going to eat that, Liam? I'll eat it." Niall asked me. I quietly shook my head and pushed the plate over to him. I quickly got up from the table and headed to my room.

Harry's POV

"What's up with him?" I said to the other guys.

"I think Liam is really heart broken about his breakup. We should try to comfort him as much as we can." Zayn said.

"Sure. I'll go in to try and comfort him now." I said. I got up from the table and walked to his room.

"Hey Liam! How are you doing?" I asked him. He quickly shut his laptop and his face went red.

"Oh... I'm... Um... I'm doing just fine." He replied unsteadily.

"Are you already trying to hook up with a new girl?" I asked with a smile.

"NO! That's something you would do." He replied. My jaw dropped, how could he say that? Even though its true haha.

"Whatever. What are you doing?" I asked him as I headed over to sit on his bed.

"Well, I've been tweeting and going on YouTube. I finally confirmed the breakup between Danielle and I." He said.

"Oh cool. What are you watching?" I asked. I walked over to the window to look at the beach. After watching the waves, I looked back at Liam's serious face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Really? It seems like you don't care that I broke up with Danielle. I loved her, now everything is over."

"I do feel bad for you man, it's just" I began.

"What?" He replied.

"You should look on the bright side, you're single and free. You should still be happy, there's more than having a girlfriend. You are young, you still have time to find the perfect lady." I said with a smile.

"Yes, but I thought she was the perfect lady I would spend the rest of my life with. Plus, you don't really last a long time with anyone." He said. That last part kind of hurt but it was the truth.

"Okay, it's true that I don't have many long time relationships. At least I'm happy and the others are happy. We have to live while we're young haha." I replied and looked back at the ocean. "What are you doing on the computer?"

His face went red. I could tell he was hiding something.

"Uh, I'm just watching YouTube videos. I saw a girl at the airport awhile ago, she actually made me get butterflies in my stomach when I saw her. A connection between us definitely occurred, well to me anyways. She was beautiful, and I don't even know what her eyes look like due to her wearing sunglasses." He said with a lost tone and look.

"It's alright. We will find her sometime. We got you buddy!" I said assuringly.

Look up Healing Our Wounds to read more if you want. Sorry if you think this is bad.

Behind Closed Eyes (A Cimorelli Fanfic) [Book 1] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now