Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Amy's POV

I feel so bad, I guess we should really keep the band going. I never knew Emily could tell I've been drinking. I guess the only thing that makes me happy is alcohol. Maybe I should just go and move away from here. I'd be able to drink whenever I wanted to and not have to sing again.

Dani's POV

I walked through the woods and down the street. I walked and walked until I finally got to the beach. I'm happy to just stay here right now, without anyone near. The beach isn't crowded at all.

Something caught my eye. A piece of broken glass laid in front of me. I picked it up, I don't care if I get hurt or not. I've never told anyone that I want a tattoo. I didn't know what I wanted the tattoos to be of but now I do. Since I'm too young to get one, I'll just scar it into me.

Blood. Dark red blood was dripping all over my arms. My new blood tattoos were great, plus I got the pain I needed. My parents' names are cut into my right arm. A small heart is scarred into my left arm. Now, I just want to disappear from here, I don't want to explain my scars and I can't take this torture I'm in. Maybe if I had the energy and no stomach pains, I could just find a rock and bang it on my head. A cliff is nearby, I could just jump off then drown myself in the ocean below.

I ran as fast as I could to the cliff. I leaped into the air and for a second, I could feel how amazing it is to fly. Soaring through the air is the best thing ever, that feeling just takes away the pain and it's a great way to end a life.

A bright light shone through my closed eyes and I wanted badly to get to it. In the distance, I heard someone call my name. That's the last thing I heard, silence overcame me.

Lisa's POV

I walked down the isle slowly. Tears were flowing down my eyes. Emily stood there with a terrified look on her face and small tears running down her face. My brothers and sisters were mourning too, all but one. One sister isn't here anymore. It's hard to look at Dani's lifeless body laying in an evil, cold coffin. I never knew she was feeling that bad. I never noticed her acting too weird around us, yet again, I never paid attention to anyone.

My sisters and I were singing the hymns and it doesn't sound right. Dani not here is not the same, the people who thought she would be better not in the band were wrong. She was amazing, now I will never be able to see her beautiful eyes. Now everything will get worse from here. How will we tell our parents that Dani died if they wake up?

During the Reception

I sat there staring at a black faced Dani. My sisters left me. Amy disappeared with a bottle of liquor, I know I should stop her from drinking but I can't seem to leave Dani's side. I caught out of the corner of my eye, Christina kissing her boyfriend, Nick, I'll be forever alone now. Lauren, Emily and her brother, Dylan, were standing next to me. Somehow, Dylan had enclosed me in a big hug and he didn't resist. I guess he didn't think it was weird to hug me, like my family.

I couldn't stand it anymore, I rushed off. I don't think I can't stand to look at a complete stranger who I once spent my whole life with. Dylan followed me out into the garden. I was surprised he had a guitar in his hands and that he even went after me. How could he not tell I wanted some alone time?

"Leave me alone, please." I said not looking at him. I didn't care if I just him and if I just hurt his feelings.

"Hey, I know I just met you but I have something special for you." he said.

"I don't want any gifts unless it's Dani or my parents. Please leave me alon-" I started. I was cut off by strums of Dylan's guitar. It was beautiful, both him and his guitar playing. I watched him in amazement but my jaw dropped as I heard the most beautiful singing voice from a guy ever.

"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful..." he sang I'll be by Edwin McCain. It was beautiful, much better than hearing him on the Internet.

"That was amazing!" I said through tears. I gave him a big hug and looked right into his eyes.

"Thank you for that, I really needed that." I said with a big smile. We both leaned in closer to each other. I closed my eyes as I could feel his breath on my lips. The distance disappeared and my lips smashed into his. I don't know what I was thinking but butterflies were in my stomach and I felt happy for once.

THE END .............................................................................................................................................. No, just kidding. :) I hope you enjoyed that part. Here's the question for you, did Dani an her parents make it? Comment or vote if you want more. :)

Behind Closed Eyes (A Cimorelli Fanfic) [Book 1] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now