Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Emily's POV

It felt like being on a stranded island. I was sitting alone in the airport. My bags were laying beside me as I tried for the millionth time to call Dylan. Of course, he didn't pick up. I gave up and just people watched. My eyes began to water up. Too much has been happening, if only my parents were here with me-

"Hi, are you Emily... Sorry I don't know your last name but are you our new foster child?" a voice that was kind of familiar asked me. I turned around to see 13 familiar faces.

"Mrs. Cimorelli?! How do you know my name?" I asked. She then explained everything to me. Right there in the airport. I couldn't believe it, my foster family is the Cimorelli family.

1 hour later

All of the Cimorellis are awecim. They all are so nice and caring. I could tell they were also very shy just like how I was. Christina tried to start a conversation. Somehow, Katherine was arguing with her. I was shocked immediately and asked Lauren what was going on. The Cimorelli kids were all laughing. I was still confused but I managed to let out a chuckle myself, I hadn't in ages.

The view is amazing. The Cimorelli house overlooks the ocean. It's beautiful. The house itself is huge. I come from a place where the houses are tiny unless you go farther away from the city where the houses are huge. California houses are different that's for sure, I can definitely get used to this.

Behind Closed Eyes (A Cimorelli Fanfic) [Book 1] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now